Inspired by Blue … Hi everyone. I’ve written 11 … ahem, yes, 11 … poems for Vocal’s Blue-Haiku Challenge. Vocal’s criteria for this Haiku challenge is simply a 5-7-5 syllable format without any of the usual rigid requirements of nature, etc. You …

Harmony is Vocal! #Haiku in @Vocal_Creators #Poetry inspired by #blue #challenge #WritingCommunity #poetsoftwitter #poetrylovers Read more »

This Was Your Life Hi everyone. I’ve written short story (3000 words) called This Was Your Life for Vocal’s The Mystery Box Challenge. Vocal says, “The key to the Mystery Box Challenge is to capture a sense of mystery. How does the arrival of something …

Harmony is Vocal! #ShortStory: This Was Your Life in @Vocal_Creators #Fiction #challenge #ReadersofTwitter Read more »

Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows? Hi everyone. I’ve written short story (1430 words) called Perspective, and another Haiku poem, Turmoil, for Vocal’s The Aquarium and High-ku Challenges. You can find my short story HERE   and my new Haiku HERE.         At …

Harmony is Vocal! #ShortStory: Perspective and a #Haiku in @Vocal_Creators #Fiction and #Poetry #challenge #WritingCommunity Read more »

Inspired by a Mountain … Hi everyone. I’ve written three Haiku poems for Vocal’s High-ku Challenge. You can find my poems …   HERE   HERE    and HERE.         At 17 syllables each, they’re nice and short 😁 …

Harmony is Vocal! 3 #Haiku in @Vocal_Creators #Poetry inspired by a #mountain #High-ku #challenge #WritingCommunity #poetsoftwitter #poetrylovers Read more »

Hi everyone! Happy Monday! In case you missed the live playing of my fun podcast with Stephen Geez and Beem weeks last week, you can find the show and have a listen in lots of places, which I list below! 🙂 …

Find Harmony on the Voice of Indie #Podcast @VoiceOfIndie @FreshInkGroup to listen to the recording now on BlogTalk Radio, I Heart, Radio, Tune In and more! Read more »

  Hi everyone! Exciting news today … I’m on a podcast this evening with Beem Weeks and Stephen Geez! I’m so excited, now I’m over my nerves, lols. Because I’m about 5 hours ahead of Eastern US time, we had …

Harmony is on the Voice of Indie #Podcast @VoiceOfIndie @FreshInkGroup Read more »

Elsa: Ode to a Best Friend Hi everyone. I’ve written a poem for Vocal’s 24/7 Companion Challenge. You can find my poem HERE.  I’d love to know what you think! And I would be delighted if you could read and heart. To …

Elsa: Ode to a Best Friend @Vocal_Creators #Poem challenge #WritingCommunity #poetsoftwitter #poetry Read more »

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve had a good weekend. After Mae Clair’s lovely Story Empire post on Shepherd for Authors, I got in touch, and today I have a post up with recommendations for five books of poetry that have …

The best #poetry books to #inspire and uplift you @Shepherd_books @BalroopShado Read more »

Hi everyone! I don’t post in a Saturday usually, but I had to share Sally Cronin’s incredibly generous shoutout for my new book, Life & Soul today! I’m so awed by her kindness and would be thrilled if you could …

Life & Soul at Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore today! #NewBook @sgc58 #poetry Read more »

  Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good weekend. Today, I’m going to stick my neck out somewhat by recommending an excellent book review platform I’ve been a member of since August last year. Why have I waited …

#BookReview Platform: BookRoar @bookroar_tweets #Author Must Have! #WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity Read more »

Hi everyone, I had fun on the web yesterday visiting two lovely ladies: Sally Cronin with a wonderful review of The Vanished Boy, and Marcia Meara with a fun 10 Things you may not know about me. If you haven’t …

In case you missed my mischief … You can find me at Sally’s @sgc58 and Marcia’s @MarciaMeara Read more »

The Vanished Boy

A missed phone call in the night is all it takes.

When Carole’s 18-year-old son goes missing, she breaks into Jayden’s laptop to try to understand his life.

All too soon, Carole discovers just how little she knew her boy.

The Vanished Boy

A missed phone call in the night is all it takes.

When Carole’s 18-year-old son goes missing, she breaks into Jayden’s laptop to try to understand his life.

All too soon, Carole discovers just how little she knew her boy.

The Vanished Boy

A missed phone call in the night is all it takes.

When Carole’s 18-year-old son goes missing, she breaks into Jayden’s laptop to try to understand his life.

All too soon, Carole discovers just how little she knew her boy.

The Vanished Boy

A missed phone call in the night is all it takes.

When Carole’s 18-year-old son goes missing, she breaks into Jayden’s laptop to try to understand his life.

All too soon, Carole discovers just how little she knew her boy.

Hi everyone! Happy New Year’s Eve. Here’s wishing you all a fabulous 2021. This year, I’ve discovered 10 writers new-to-me and one re-discovered, who have moved me and stayed with me long after I’ve read their books. Today, I wanted …

2020 #Authors Who Have Stayed With Me @callytaylor @DotHutchison @LynneBarrettLee @DMPulleyAuthor @rachelcaine @michaelcarey191 @Mark__Lawrence @longshotauthor @Dwallacepeach @NaminaForna @LBardugo @stacitroilo @TerryTyler4 @sgc58 @itsmcronin Read more »

        Hi everyone, the other day I received an email that lifted my spirits. For those who may not know, I’ve been suffering with an exacerbation of my asthma lately and am now on my second treatment … is awarded an @IndieBrag Medallion! #Post-Apocalyptic Read more »

Hi everyone. I had a nice long weekend to celebrate hubby’s birthday. Sadly, I’m now struggling with an asthma episode, so if I’m not online as much this week, that’s why. I’ve doubled-up my meds and have a phone call …

Update to #coronavirus struggles and #Amazon’s rationale for banning ads for my book FALLOUT Read more »

Hello everyone. Today is International Women’s Day, and I am celebrating by taking part in something special. Take five minutes out to relax and listen to Aretha Franklin and Annie Lennox while a few female authors come together on video  …

Sisters are Doing It on International Women’s Day Read more »

Hi everyone! Happy Monday! Today, I am posting about a serious issue that I have experienced recently. Some of you might have noticed that I no longer have any presence on Facebook. That little corner of social media that I …

If you’re an author using a pen name, you need to read this. Read more »