Hi everyone. Today is International Day of Awesomeness, and we at Story Empire wanted to pay tribute to a special lady, who does so much to support authors. And that lady is none other than Sally Cronin! Of course, the …

#InternationalDayofAwesomeness Celebrating #Author and #Blogger Sally Cronin @sgc58 Read more »

Hi everyone. Today, I have great pleasure in hosting author and friend, Mae Clair, so that she can tell us about her book, In Search of McDoogal … and at the end of Mae’s post, I want to share my …

#NewBook: In Search of McDoogal by Mae Clair @MaeClair1 Read more »

Hi everyone. Today, I have great pleasure in hosting fellow author and friend while he tours the blogosphere revealing the cover for his latest book, Grinders. Having read and enjoyed Craig’s other books, I’m so looking forward to this next …

#CoverReveal: Grinders by C S Boyack @virgilante Read more »

Hi everyone. Today, I have a review for you from fellow author, Jacqui Murray. I came across book one in The Crossroads Trilogy after seeing a book-launch post on Mae Clair’s blog. The introduction to that book recommended that I …

#BookReview: Born in a Treacherous Time by Jacqui Murray Read more »

Hello everyone. Today, it gives me great pleasure to welcome fellow author, Sarah Stuart, who is showcasing her latest book release. Her post says it all, so I’ll let her take it from here >>>   Hi, Sarah here, everybody. …

#NewBook Release: Royal Command Family Saga Read more »

Hi everyone. Harmony here with another book review to share. This one is from an advanced review copy provided via NetGalley and Random House UK. I greatly enjoyed this read, and here’s the book description and my review … Book …

#BookReview: Who Did You Tell? by Lesley Kara Read more »

Hello everyone. Today, I wanted to share my journey with you on writing my latest novel, which will be finished soon. (After my big day, when I’ll be a married author, lol, but not too long after.) For a while, …

How to Write a Novel Read more »

Hello everyone. Today is International Women’s Day, and I am celebrating by taking part in something special. Take five minutes out to relax and listen to Aretha Franklin and Annie Lennox while a few female authors come together on video  …

Sisters are Doing It on International Women’s Day Read more »

Check out this review of a great read … Hi Readers. Some of you have been around for a while and know that I’ve hosted author Mae Clair. Mae is one of those writers that I always look forward to …

Book Review ~ End of Day by Mae Clair Read more »

A fun post on writing and distraction from Joan Hall over on Story Empire … Hi, SE Readers. Joan here today. I don’t know about you, but I consider myself blessed to live in the twenty-first century. While I enjoy …

Are You Distracted? Read more »

Check out this helpful post on self-publishing from P.H. Solomon over on Story Empire today … Happy President’s Day to all the Story Empire readers! Best wishes to everyone and enjoy the day if you have time off. Being a …

How You Can Grow with Self-Publishing Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Another week done and dusted. Lots achieved despite that virus still hanging around, which it seems to be doing with everybody I know. Still no biopsy results, but the run of bloods came back fine except …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Today, I’d like to give a big warm welcome to Author Craig Boyack, introducing his latest book, Lanternfish. I can’t wait to read this one! Take it away, Craig … Thanks for having me back, Harmony. I’m here …

Adventure, Magic, and Monsters: Adventures of the Lanternfish Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. It’s been a productive week here, and I managed to get my 2nd crutch decorated for the wedding. I even took pictures of each stage so that I can post the how to … which I’m …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Today is release day for Mae Clair’s second book in the Hode’s Hill Series: End of Day! I read this as an ARC, and also bought it on pre-order, which hit my e-reader today 🙂 Here’s my review: …

End of Day has come! Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! It’s been a tough week health-wise … came down with a heavy virus on Thursday last week and it’s got its foot jammed in the door, refusing to leave, lol. Also had a full day hospital …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday and Happy New Year! Because I missed the last two weeks, we have a bumper list for you today. So, if like me you were internet AWOL, this will help you to catch up if you …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Only just over a week to Christmas now. Are you ready?! This year, we will be travelling up to see family. I’m not looking forward to the six hours minimum in the car, but I am …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Sheesh, this has felt like a looong week. Not that I’m wishing my life away, but I’m glad it’s the weekend, lol. While making progress on my WIP, I came up with one of those lines …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Another week is done with. I can’t believe how close to Christmas we are now … less than a month! How prepared are you? I had a marathon wrapping day yesterday, and apart from a scarf …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Another regular week here with writing and physio, oh–and getting ready for Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in America. Without further ado, here are this week’s writing links and resources. FROM STORY EMPIRE For …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Well, it’s the middle of November, and the year is racing away from us. I swear time has grown jet engines. Maybe that’s a sign of getting older too. I remember as a kid, the school …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone, Today, it gives me great pleasure to introduce Kicker, a book dedicated to veterans. For this Veteran’s weekend, it is FREE on Amazon (9th, 10th, & 11th November). Here’s the blurb: World War II is raging. A young …

It’s a Kicker on Veteran’s Day Read more »