A death in the family and news from me

Author pic of Harmony KentHi everyone! Apologies for being MIA again. On Monday last week, we had a death in the family. So it’s all hands on deck to get things sorted out and arranging the funeral, etc., as well as dealing with all the emotions.

Some good news: I now have new glasses for distance and reading, and my surgery has done wonders for my vision. So I can now see again. Yay! 🥳

On Friday, if the fitting goes well, I should receive my new prosthetic limb, which will improve my mobility and stop the sore spot I now have where the too-big socket is rubbing. So 🤞🤞🤞 for that!

Later this month, I have a book review for you, which I’m sure you’ll enjoy.

I hope you’re all doing well. I’d love to hear from you in the comments, and I’ll get back to you as and when I’m able. I appreciate you all so much.
Hugs 🤗💕🙂Cute teddy bear with Thank You, See You Soon, and Hugs! captions

25 Comments on “A death in the family and news from me

  1. Like others have said, I’m sorry for your loss, Harmony, but happy for your improved vision! And I hope your new prosthetic limb will be a perfect fit! I’m way behind in everything right now, as I’m dealing with some health issues of my own, namely Heart problems, but I wanted to touch base and let you know I’m thinking about you. Will try to catch up soon! In the meantime, sending you love and hugs! ❤️🤗❤️

    • Thanks, Marcia. The fitting was a disaster. The first appointment they cancelled and didn’t tell us, so … three hour round trip and bridge fees over the river between counties … and no leg. The following week, the socket was way off centre and nothing like the test socket. Totally unwearable. So am now waiting to hear when my new socket and next fitting will happen. Meanwhile, I’m in a leg I can swim in. This is one of the worst NHS prosthetic clinics I’ve ever suffered through.
      Thanks for your well wishes, my friend. Keeping you in my thoughts and hope you’re doing as well as can be. Love and hugs 🤗💕🙂

  2. Hi Harmony, my condolences on your loss. The news about your eyes and new limb is wonderful. I am very happy for you.

    • Thanks so much, Robbie. No limb as yet due to one mess up after another with the clinic. Ah well. The funeral is tomorrow. Hugs 🤗💕🙂

  3. Oh, dear Harmony, I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope the family and you have found peace during this sad time. I’m grateful your eyesight is better, and soon, you’ll have a new prosthetic leg. Amid the sorrows, there’s hope. Sending love… ❤️

    • Thanks so much, Gwen. Looks as though I might be reading one of my poems from Sorrowful Soul … Seasons. Im nervous already, lols. So the improved vision is a bonus! 💖

  4. I’m so sorry for your loss, Harmony. Sending positive thoughts to you and your family. But yay for the glasses and prosthesis!

  5. I’m so sorry for the loss in your family, Harmony. I hope everyone is using the family member’s memories as a way to displace the sadness. Your other news is good. I’m glad you can see. That’s a good thing. I’m also hoping your new prosthetic limb solves the sore problem. So nice to hear from you. Take care of yourself.

    • Plenty of memories, such as her massive beehive hairstyles back along, lols. Thanks so much,
      John 💖

  6. Missing In Action is to be expected in the circumstances, but nothing can dim your sense of humour. 🙂
    I echo all that’s been said already, including sympathy for sorrow, and hope for good results to come.
    Hugs, Sarah,

  7. I’m so sorry for your loss, Harmony. Sending you hugs!

    That’s great news about your vision and your new limb. I hope the good news just keeps coming! <3

  8. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss Sweetie but I’m pleased to hear about your vision. I hope the fitting for the new prosthetic goes well and doesn’t cause any discomfort from rubbing. Keep getting better, miss you. Hugs

  9. So sorry to hear abut your loss. Thanks for the good news as well. Life is all about balance. The day we buried my dad, my first great grandchild was born. Nice to see you back here.

    • Oh, Darlene, what a bitter sweet day that would have been. Thanks so much for sharing. Yes, life is about balance 💖