I’m missing you! πŸ’– Hi everyone. I’ve been absent for a lot longer and more completely than I’d anticipated. I’m so sorry. And it’s about time I let you all know I’m still alive and almost kicking πŸ˜‰ Learning Curve: …

Hello everyone! I’m still alive, lols Read more »

Hi everyone! As many of you will have noticed, I was AWOL yesterday. I had a very good reason … and here’s a ‘little’ clue: The rehab is going to take a while, but getting out of the wheelchair even …

Happy Harmony Update! #Health #Amputee #Rehab #chronicpain Read more »

The Vanished Boy

A missed phone call in the night is all it takes.

When Carole’s 18-year-old son goes missing, she breaks into Jayden’s laptop to try to understand his life.

All too soon, Carole discovers just how little she knew her boy.

The Vanished Boy

A missed phone call in the night is all it takes.

When Carole’s 18-year-old son goes missing, she breaks into Jayden’s laptop to try to understand his life.

All too soon, Carole discovers just how little she knew her boy.

The Vanished Boy

A missed phone call in the night is all it takes.

When Carole’s 18-year-old son goes missing, she breaks into Jayden’s laptop to try to understand his life.

All too soon, Carole discovers just how little she knew her boy.

The Vanished Boy

A missed phone call in the night is all it takes.

When Carole’s 18-year-old son goes missing, she breaks into Jayden’s laptop to try to understand his life.

All too soon, Carole discovers just how little she knew her boy.

… That this isn’t going to be a big book but needs to be three books, lol! OMG. Over 300 colour-coded plotted scene index cards for 7 main characters, and I’m not done yet. I had intended to start this …

That Moment When You Realise … Read more »

Hello everyone. Today, I wanted to share my journey with you on writing my latest novel, which will be finished soon. (After my big day, when I’ll be a married author, lol, but not too long after.) For a while, …

How to Write a Novel Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! It’s been a tough week health-wise … came down with a heavy virus on Thursday last week and it’s got its foot jammed in the door, refusing to leave, lol. Also had a full day hospital …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday and Happy New Year! Because I missed the last two weeks, we have a bumper list for you today. So, if like me you were internet AWOL, this will help you to catch up if you …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Only just over a week to Christmas now. Are you ready?! This year, we will be travelling up to see family. I’m not looking forward to the six hours minimum in the car, but I am …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Sheesh, this has felt like a looong week. Not that I’m wishing my life away, but I’m glad it’s the weekend, lol. While making progress on my WIP, I came up with one of those lines …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Another week is done with. I can’t believe how close to Christmas we are now … less than a month! How prepared are you? I had a marathon wrapping day yesterday, and apart from a scarf …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Another regular week here with writing and physio, oh–and getting ready for Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in America. Without further ado, here are this week’s writing links and resources. FROM STORY EMPIRE For …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone, Happy Friday! I can’t believe another week has gone past already. On Saturday, we went to our six-month wedding interview at the planned venue, which all went wonderfully. On the half-hour drive there, we met sleet, hailstone, and …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! Tonight we have relatives from Australia staying with us ready for beginning their travels home on Saturday. Then on Saturday, we have the six-month interview at our wedding venue … I can’t believe where the last …

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Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I had a slow start to the week with Monday being my first full day out of bed since Friday morning. The flu really knocked me off my feet. While I still feel exhausted and my …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! Last week, we had a lovely relaxing time away, and apart from the first weekend, we got lucky on the weather. Below is a picture I took while day-visiting Dartmouth. I’ve had a tired but productive …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! Another busy but productive week. I’ve done more writing on short stories along with lots of other stuff. I had one of those moments, when reading over what you wrote the day before, and you think, …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! I hope you’ve had a good week this week. Once again, I’ve had a fairly eclectic time of it with knitting projects, wedding projects, and writing, as well as making sure I get some reading time …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Another week done with. We had family stay on the weekend, doing post bereavement house clearance ready for putting the property up for sale to pay for my nearly-mother-in-law’s ongoing care. By Monday morning, it felt …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hi everyone. Over on Story Empire today, Mae Clair has a fun post about scribbling, cooking, and writing. Well worth a look … Hi, SEers! Mae here to talk about cooking and writing. At first glance these two things may …

Cooking, Writing, Scribbling–It’s all good Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! It’s been a productive week here with lots of jobs and lots of writing achieved. Still no hip x-ray, grrr … that’s been a good while waiting now. I will say that as long as I’m …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

What do you do when you hit a brick wall? Check out what author Joan Hall has to say over on Story Empire today! πŸ™‚ Hi SE Readers! Joan here today to talk about the dreaded β€œwriter’s block.” Okay, some …

When You Hit a Brick Wall Read more »

Hi everyone. Today is my fifteenth and final day of writing, and I’ve written 2,300 words today, bringing my total to 50,277 words. The first draft is complete! Whoo-hoo πŸ™‚ I began day one on February 5th and took off …

AmWriting!-15 & Final Day!! Read more »

Hello everyone! Today makes day fourteen of writing Backstage, and I’ve managed 6,000 words! Yes, you did just read that correctly … that’s SIX THOUSAND words! Wowzers πŸ™‚ And on a workday too. That brings my fourteen-day total to 47,916. …

AmWriting!-14 Read more »

Hello everyone! Happy Monday πŸ™‚ Today makes my thirteenth day of writing Backstage.Β  As well as working, I have managed 4,200 words … bringing my overall total to a staggering 41,886 words! πŸ™‚ Here is a ‘sneek peek’ for you …

AmWriting!-13 Read more »