Hi, everyone! You may have noticed my new author picture around places. The original photo is over 10 years old. Can you believe it?!? How fast the time passes. Another thing you may have noticed is the headwear …  well, …

Update and ideas for #Characterisation Read more »

Hi everyone. As promised, um … a looong time ago, here is the next post in the Homonyms with Harmony series. Today’s post is tackling Commonly Misused ‘H’ Words. For those who haven’t seen the previous posts, you can find …

#Homonyms with Harmony Part Eleven: Commonly Misused ‘H’ Words #HowtoWrite #Authors Read more »

The snow lays pristine, virgin. The heavy silence holds. The whole world wrapped in a blanket of cold and desolation. Or is that just my heart?

The twin swings hang limp and lonely.

Mocking my empty arms.

The snow lays pristine, virgin. The heavy silence holds. The whole world wrapped in a blanket of cold and desolation. Or is that just my heart?

The twin swings hang limp and lonely.

Mocking my empty arms.

The snow lays pristine, virgin. The heavy silence holds. The whole world wrapped in a blanket of cold and desolation. Or is that just my heart?

The twin swings hang limp and lonely.

Mocking my empty arms.

The snow lays pristine, virgin. The heavy silence holds. The whole world wrapped in a blanket of cold and desolation. Or is that just my heart?

The twin swings hang limp and lonely.

Mocking my empty arms.

The snow lays pristine, virgin. The heavy silence holds. The whole world wrapped in a blanket of cold and desolation. Or is that just my heart?

The twin swings hang limp and lonely.

Mocking my empty arms.

The snow lays pristine, virgin. The heavy silence holds. The whole world wrapped in a blanket of cold and desolation. Or is that just my heart?

The twin swings hang limp and lonely.

Mocking my empty arms.

Hi everyone! It’s that time of the week again …fun flash fiction from Suzanne Burke. I’m right at the 750 word limit this week. Here’s the short story I came up with >>>   Image by RENE RAUSCHENBERGER from Pixabay Is It A …

Is It A Bird?: ‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge’ Week #30 NEW Image Prompt. Join in the fun! #IARTG #ASMSG @pursoot #WritingCommunity Read more »

Hi everyone! It’s that time of the week again … Friday fun flash fiction … on a … Tuesday! … I was, erm … musing, lols. Here’s the short story I came up with >>>   Photo by Oxana Lyashenko on Unsplash   …

Chaos: ‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge’ Week #26 NEW Image Prompt. Join in the fun! #IARTG #ASMSG @pursoot #WritingCommunity Read more »

Hi everyone! It’s that time of the week again … Friday fun flash fiction! This week’s picture had my muse … um, musing! Here’s the short poem I came up with >>>   Image by skalekar1992 from Pixabay Boy to Man   From …

Boy to Man: ‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge’ Week #24 NEW Image Prompt. Join in the fun! #IARTG #ASMSG @pursoot #WritingCommunity Read more »

Hi everyone! It’s that time of the week again … Friday fun flash fiction! This week’s picture had my muse sprinting away. And because I’m immersed in Staci Troilo’s Astral Conspiracy Series right now, and loving it, then of course …

Child’s Play: ‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge’ Week #19 NEW Image Prompt. Join in the fun! #IARTG #ASMSG @pursoot #WritingCommunity Read more »

Hi everyone! It’s that time of the week again … Friday fun flash fiction! This week’s picture had my muse flumouxed for a while. Eventually, on Sunday evening, it came up with a sad piece. Without further ado, here’s my …

Encore: ‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge’ Week #18 NEW Image Prompt. Join in the fun! #IARTG #ASMSG @pursoot #WritingCommunity Read more »

Hi everyone! It’s that time of the week again … Friday fun flash fiction! This week’s picture had my muse doing its happy dance 🙂 Without further ado, here’s my take on this prompt …   Image by Antonios Ntoumas from Pixabay The …

The Devil’s in the Detail: ‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge’ Week #17 NEW Image Prompt. Join in the fun! #IARTG #ASMSG @pursoot #WritingCommunity Read more »

Hi everyone! It’s that time of the week again … Friday fun flash fiction! This week’s picture had my muse in a decidedly monosyllabic mood, lols 🙂 So, today, we have one word to express a full idea, packed into …

The Way of the Wild: ‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge’ Week #16 NEW Image Prompt. Join in the fun! #IARTG #ASMSG @pursoot #WritingCommunity Read more »

Hello everyone. Today, I wanted to share my journey with you on writing my latest novel, which will be finished soon. (After my big day, when I’ll be a married author, lol, but not too long after.) For a while, …

How to Write a Novel Read more »

Stock Photo Challenge Hello everyone. Today is Stock Photo Challenge day over on Don Massenzio’s blog. You can find that post HERE. The Rules: Write a story, poem or other type of prose of 100 words or less and post …

The Pilgrimage Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Another week done and dusted. Lots achieved despite that virus still hanging around, which it seems to be doing with everybody I know. Still no biopsy results, but the run of bloods came back fine except …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! It’s been a tough week health-wise … came down with a heavy virus on Thursday last week and it’s got its foot jammed in the door, refusing to leave, lol. Also had a full day hospital …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday and Happy New Year! Because I missed the last two weeks, we have a bumper list for you today. So, if like me you were internet AWOL, this will help you to catch up if you …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Only just over a week to Christmas now. Are you ready?! This year, we will be travelling up to see family. I’m not looking forward to the six hours minimum in the car, but I am …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Sheesh, this has felt like a looong week. Not that I’m wishing my life away, but I’m glad it’s the weekend, lol. While making progress on my WIP, I came up with one of those lines …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Another week is done with. I can’t believe how close to Christmas we are now … less than a month! How prepared are you? I had a marathon wrapping day yesterday, and apart from a scarf …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Another regular week here with writing and physio, oh–and getting ready for Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in America. Without further ado, here are this week’s writing links and resources. FROM STORY EMPIRE For …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Well, it’s the middle of November, and the year is racing away from us. I swear time has grown jet engines. Maybe that’s a sign of getting older too. I remember as a kid, the school …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! Well, the weather has certainly turned wetter and windier this last week. I miss the freezing but sunny days, lol. I’ve made steady writing progress this week. It’s surprising how much just 500 words every day …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone! Today, over on Story Empire, Craig Boyack has an interesting and fun post on naming things …   Hi Gang, Craig here today with a little confession to make. I hate naming things. This can be almost any …

Problems naming things Read more »