Hi everyone! Today is the end of my blog tour for Sorrowful Soul. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all your support and encouragement along the way. A huge thank you to all my fantastic tour hosts, who I list …

#Thanks @BeemWeeks @HowellWave @YvetteMCalleiro @gmplano @JoanHallWrites @stacitroilo @pokercubster @davidmfprosser @WordDreams @bakeandwrite @StephenGeez @Virgilante @dlfinnauthor @JanSikes3 @MaeClair1 @sgc58 Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, Mae Clair. As well as …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @MaeClair1 Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, Jan Sikes. As well as …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @JanSikes3 Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, D L Finn. As …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @dlfinnauthor Read more »

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good weekend. Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @Virgilante Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, and friend, Stephen Geez. As well as being a generous …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @StephenGeez Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author and blogging friend, Robbie Cheadle. As well as being a generous …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @bakeandwrite Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author and blogging friend, Jacqui Murray. As well as being a generous …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @WordDreams Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, and friend, David Prosser. As well as being a generous …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @davidmfprosser Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, and friend, Debby Gies Kaye (D G Kaye). As well as …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @pokercubster Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, Staci Troilo. As well as being …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @stacitroilo Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, Joan Hall. As well as …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @JoanHallWrites Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, Gwen Plano. As well as …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @gmplano Read more »

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all had a great weekend. Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, and friend, …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @YvetteMCalleiro Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, John Howell. As well as being …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @HowellWave Read more »

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all had a great weekend. Today, I’m excited to launch my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, Beem …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @BeemWeeks Read more »

Hi everyone. Today, it gives me great pleasure to have Craig Boyack, fellow author, Story Empire contributor, and friend, over to visit. Craig has a new book coming out, and it’s in one of my favourite series of his, Lizzie …

#NewBook: The Midnight Rambler … wonderful #DarkHumour from author C. S. Boyack @virgilante @storyempire #LizzieandtheHat #series Read more »

Hi everyone. Today, it gives me great pleasure to host fellow author and friend and Story Empire writer, Craig Boyack, with his latest book in the wonderful The Hat Series, Lunar Boogie. I read and loved The Hat and really …

Lunar Boogie (The Hat Series) by C S Boyack @Virgilante #NewBook Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, it gives me great pleasure to have Craig over for coffee and biscuits. And if the party goes on late enough … maybe something a little stronger. Anyway, with Craig being Craig, you’re sure to find this …

Character Evolution and A New Book from C. S. Boyack! @Virgilante Read more »

Hi everyone. Today, it gives me great pleasure to share my review for fellow author and friend, Craig Boyack, and his latest book, Serang. I have to say, I adore the cover for this one. About the Book: Monastic life …

#BookReview: Serang by Craig Boyack @virgilante Read more »

Hello everyone. Today is the fifth and final day of the Story Empire Team’s Something Wicked Blog Tour. I hope you’ve all enjoyed following us for the week and seeing what we have to offer. Today, it gives me great …

#SomethingWickedTour @StaciTroilo @StoryEmpire Read more »

Hello everyone. Welcome to the fourth day of the Story Empire Author’s Something Wicked Tour. Today, it gives me great pleasure to welcome my fellow author and friend Joan Hall. Get ready for Something Wicked >>> Hello, everyone. I’m delighted …

#SomethingWickedTour @JoanHallWrites @StoryEmpire Read more »

Hello everyone! Today is the first day of the Story Empire Team’s Something Wicked Blog Tour. It gives me great pleasure to host author Craig Boyack today, who tells us all about his latest book in The Hat series, Viral …

#SomethingWickedTour @Virgilante @StoryEmpire Read more »

by Craig Boyack Book Blurb: An honorable man is mistaken for his disreputable father. Now he’s pushed into a political scheme to start a war that will spread across multiple kingdoms. James Cuttler’s fiancé is being held captive to ensure …

#BookReview: Voyage of the Lanternfish Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Another week done and dusted. Lots achieved despite that virus still hanging around, which it seems to be doing with everybody I know. Still no biopsy results, but the run of bloods came back fine except …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Today, I’d like to give a big warm welcome to Author Craig Boyack, introducing his latest book, Lanternfish. I can’t wait to read this one! Take it away, Craig … Thanks for having me back, Harmony. I’m here …

Adventure, Magic, and Monsters: Adventures of the Lanternfish Read more »