Hi everyone, I’m so delighted to share this fantastic book trailer for my Harbor Pointe Novella, The Room at the End. I cannot thank Fresh Ink Group enough for making this amazing video for me. In case you can’t play …

Fanstatic Book Trailer for The Room at the End from Fresh Ink Group @FreshInkGroup @BeemWeeks @StephenGeez #HarborPointeSeries @StoryEmpire Read more »

Hi everyone, In case you missed it, I’m over at Beem Week’s place with a sneak peek of my latest novella, The Room at the End! I’m so excited. You can catch the fun HERE! I’ve disabled comments so you don’t …

#newbook: The Room at the End and Harmony are guests over at @BeemWeeks place! #HarborPointe #MysteryThriller #Supernatural Read more »

Hi everyone! Today is the end of my blog tour for Sorrowful Soul. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all your support and encouragement along the way. A huge thank you to all my fantastic tour hosts, who I list …

#Thanks @BeemWeeks @HowellWave @YvetteMCalleiro @gmplano @JoanHallWrites @stacitroilo @pokercubster @davidmfprosser @WordDreams @bakeandwrite @StephenGeez @Virgilante @dlfinnauthor @JanSikes3 @MaeClair1 @sgc58 Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, Mae Clair. As well as …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @MaeClair1 Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, Jan Sikes. As well as …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @JanSikes3 Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, D L Finn. As …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @dlfinnauthor Read more »

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a good weekend. Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @Virgilante Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, and friend, Stephen Geez. As well as being a generous …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @StephenGeez Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author and blogging friend, Robbie Cheadle. As well as being a generous …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @bakeandwrite Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author and blogging friend, Jacqui Murray. As well as being a generous …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @WordDreams Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, and friend, David Prosser. As well as being a generous …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @davidmfprosser Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, and friend, Debby Gies Kaye (D G Kaye). As well as …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @pokercubster Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, Staci Troilo. As well as being …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @stacitroilo Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, Joan Hall. As well as …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @JoanHallWrites Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, Gwen Plano. As well as …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @gmplano Read more »

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all had a great weekend. Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, and friend, …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @YvetteMCalleiro Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my next stop on my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, John Howell. As well as being …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @HowellWave Read more »

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all had a great weekend. Today, I’m excited to launch my three-week blog tour for my new book of poetry, Sorrowful Soul. I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, Beem …

#NewBook #BlogTour: Sorrowful Soul–Book 3 in the #SoulPoetrySeries #Poetry #Grief #Grieving #Loss @BeemWeeks Read more »

Hi everyone! Happy Monday! In case you missed the live playing of my fun podcast with Stephen Geez and Beem weeks last week, you can find the show and have a listen in lots of places, which I list below! 🙂 …

Find Harmony on the Voice of Indie #Podcast @VoiceOfIndie @FreshInkGroup to listen to the recording now on BlogTalk Radio, I Heart, Radio, Tune In and more! Read more »

  Hi everyone! Exciting news today … I’m on a podcast this evening with Beem Weeks and Stephen Geez! I’m so excited, now I’m over my nerves, lols. Because I’m about 5 hours ahead of Eastern US time, we had …

Harmony is on the Voice of Indie #Podcast @VoiceOfIndie @FreshInkGroup Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I’m thrilled to be visiting fellow author, blogger, Story Empire member, and friend, Beem Weeks. Beem has kindly invited me over to help me promote the release of my second book of poetry: Life & Soul, Book …

#NewBook: Harmony is on tour with Beem Weeks @BeemWeeks for the release of #Life&Soul Read more »

Hi everyone. Today, it gives me great pleasure to host All Authors Publishing with the launch of their latest anthology, Inferno, which I am proud to be a part of >>> Greetings, one and all!   Today is the launch …

#NewBook: Inferno Read more »

Hi everyone. Harmony here. Today, it gives me great pleasure to showcase the book cover for the latest anthology from All Authors, which I’m involved in >>> Today the members of the All Authors Family are celebrating the cover reveal …

#CoverReveal: Inferno: Concordant Vibrancy 4 Read more »

Hello everyone. Today, I have three book reviews for you. Interestingly enough, the famous author–traditionally published–was a huge let-down for me, while the two indie books I’m also reviewing here were fun to read. So, despite oft-repeated negative hype, I …

The Indies are Winning Read more »