#NewBook: The Midnight Rambler … wonderful #DarkHumour from author C. S. Boyack @virgilante @storyempire #LizzieandtheHat #series

Hi everyone. Today, it gives me great pleasure to have Craig Boyack, fellow author, Story Empire contributor, and friend, over to visit. Craig has a new book coming out, and it’s in one of my favourite series of his, Lizzie and the Hat. If you haven’t read any of these fun books yet, I urge you to give them a read! You’ll find them full of dark humour and puns. Here’s my review for The Hat, the first book of the series. If you haven’t discovered Craig’s Pinterest collection, it’s a must-see! He’s curated some fantastic images on there. You can find the links to all his social media at the bottom of this blog page. Without further ado, I’ll let Craig tell you all about his latest release … šŸ™‚Ā 

I appreciate you loaning me your space today, Harmony. If I can ever return the favor, Iā€™d be honored.

Iā€™m here to talk about The Midnight Rambler, but weā€™ll let the cover and blurb give you some specific details for that. I like to keep these posts unique, and todayā€™s topic is dark humor.

Thereā€™s no doubt these stories are corny. I go out of my way to make them so. I put my main character, Lizzie, through a lot. Sheā€™s been shot, had to kill a friend, and more. People die in these stories, and itā€™s not often peaceful. Thatā€™s pretty descriptive of the dark. Thatā€™s why I try to include some light.

Iā€™m a big lover of adding humor to tales like this. It might be a whistling in the graveyard approach, but I think it keeps them fresh. There are a lot of vampire stories out there, but only one Kevin with his speech impediment and fear of virtually everything. These stories all have a certain pull-my-finger quality to them.

This is the series where I add silly little graphics as section breaks. Lizzie and the hat have a certain kind of buddy-humor between the two of them. Things happen to Lizzie that are more mortifying than life threatening. One example from a previous tale is how her witch costume was compared to blackface when she showed up at the local witches coven after a comic book convention.

I like to include characters like Kevin, but also Lizzieā€™s mother, Star St. Laurent. Sheā€™s an old hippy and makes no bones about it. When I use her she always brings a certain something to the stories. Iā€™ve added magical creatures like Noodles the Rottweiler/snapping turtle thing, whoā€™s manic happy all the time to the point of craziness.

I intend to keep torturing Lizzie in absurd and painful ways, but I also intend to fill these tales with a bit of humor. If you think this sounds like Halloween fun, come on the hunt for The Midnight Rambler. Thereā€™s no prequisite reading, and you might decide to check out the back catalog once you finish.


About the Book:


Something evil is after the hat. The ageless enemies have battled many times, but this time Lizzie is wearing the hat. She’s also up against a ticking clock, in that if she can’t find the maker of her new friend’s medicine he will die.

The Rambler has kidnapped the only witch capable of making Ray’s medicine in an attempt to make the hat sloppy in his efforts. He’s also flooded the streets with deadly minions to impede any progress our heroes might make.

As if that weren’t enough, Lizzie is facing more of life’s struggles, both financially and mechanically. This all goes down in the middle of a huge flood event that she’s ill equipped to handle.

Join Lizzie and the hat as they battle the elements, the paranormal, and a being of pure evil. Lizzie might be battling some personal demons along the way as she and Ray grow closer.

Get your copy here: https://mybook.to/TheMidnightRambler



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60 Comments on “#NewBook: The Midnight Rambler … wonderful #DarkHumour from author C. S. Boyack @virgilante @storyempire #LizzieandtheHat #series

  1. Hi Harmony, this is a lovely post. I have bought this book already as I like The Hat and this one sounds really intriguing to me.

  2. Woohoo, a new Lizzie and The Hat adventure! Love the creepy cover, Craig. Congrats on your new release!

  3. Congrats, Craig, on another super entertaining story! I love all the ‘silly’ graphics you scattered throughout the book. And yes, you do put Lizzie through a lot, but the last two books (this one included) show her softer side. Fun stuff! Thank you, Harmony, for hosting!

    • Iā€™m trying to make her a complete character, as long as the individual book allows a reason to delve into some of that.

    • Thanks, Judi. So glad you enjoyed that first chapter. I worked it over more times than I usually do.

  4. Congrats on your latest release, Craig. I love the mixture of darkness and humor. I am a fan of the entire Hat Series, including “Midnight Rambler.” Thanks for hosting, Harmony l šŸ™‚

  5. Congrats on the start of your tour, Craig. One of the things I’ve loved about The Hat series is the buddy humor between Lizzie and the her headwear. I’m glad you mentioned that. And it was fun to get an inside peek into the way your balance the dark and light. Best of luck with your tour. Thanks for hosting, Harmony. <3

  6. I love this whole idea so much! Some of the best spooky movies I’ve seen include a little humor. Congrats again on your release, Craig. I still can’t get over the cover!! No matter how many times I see it, it still gives me chills! Thanks so much, Harmony, for sharing your space with us!

    • Thanks, Mar. This series tries to have some lighter bits included. I still torture my main character, but kind of like the balance here.

    • I love the whole idea of a vampire with a lisp! Thanks, Joan šŸ’•šŸ™‚

    • I need to find a way for Kevin to get more page time. Havenā€™t needed the informant for a while, but heā€™s about due.

  7. Thanks for having me over, Harmony. Thanks also for pointing out Pinterest. I tend to use it differently than other authors. Itā€™s like my notebooks in many ways. If someone wanted to snoop ahead there is a lot of stuff saved in The Hat board that will be in future tales.

    • I love your Pinterest boards, Craig! And itā€™s my pleasure to have you come visit. Youā€™re welcome anytime. Best wishes with everything šŸ’•šŸ™‚

  8. Congratulations, Craig. I look forward to reading the latest! Thank you, Harmony, for showcasing Craig. Bravo to both of you! šŸŽ‰ā¤ļøšŸŽ‰