#NewBook Release: Royal Command Family Saga

Hello everyone. Today, it gives me great pleasure to welcome fellow author, Sarah Stuart, who is showcasing her latest book release. Her post says it all, so I’ll let her take it from here >>>


Hi, Sarah here, everybody. Harmony kindly tweeted my latest release when it was on pre-order, so thank you, my friend, for hosting me now it’s live. I do have a secret! Back in 2014, Harmony read and reviewed my first book, Dangerous Liaisons. She obviously enjoyed the story – she gave it 4 stars – the fifth fell to her claim that it needed an editor. Obviously, I was upset! Most definitely not on speaking terms with this… this person who had insulted my baby. That lasted until I admitted the truth – Harmony was 100% right.

Three more books in the Royal Command Family Saga – edited and proofread – followed, and then I changed tack from steamy sizzle to Christian YA, and even dipped a cautious toe into horror. By now, I was seeing Boxed Sets advertised, so I approached my cover designer. Her first effort was traditional. Four book-ends showing the title and the front of Dangerous Liaisons – nothing wrong with it, but I wanted β€œdifferent”.

All the books are written as standalones, each with a happy ending. To achieve that, minor threads had been left β€œmore or less” covered. Imagine a tapestry that looks great from the front until it’s stretched for framing. Missed stitches show as holes and dangling wool ends appear as worms. I reread all four books and then wrote Sizzling Sunset, a novella that rounds off everything. Introducing my huge cast, who appear slowly throughout the saga, would have been impossible, so Sizzling Sunset will remain exclusive to the new book.


β€œMichael, a poverty-stricken amateur actor makes superstar abetted by wife Elspeth. Unknown to Michael, Elspeth and their daughter are influenced by a literary heirloom. Seductions, betrayals, kidnap, blackmail, & murder follow. The Spy, an unscrupulous journalist, is out to prove rumour true & see Michael jailed for incest, hiring a hit man, or both.”

Amazon Book Description

Michael, a poverty-stricken amateur actor/singer, makes it to superstar, abetted by Elspeth, his beloved wife. Michael faces an overwhelming celebrity lifestyle, whilst The Spy, a sensationalist journalist, spearheads media attacks.

Elspeth, only daughter of a wealthy Scottish laird, persuades Clement, a multi-millionaire impresario, to cast Michael in a starring role. The musical is a spectacular success in London’s West End and on Broadway.

But, unknown to Michael, Elspeth and their eldest daughter, Lisette, are influenced by a literary heirloom originally owned by Margaret Tudor and her potentially dangerous command, β€œfind love where ye may”, which leads to risquΓ© seductions and infidelities.

Success and wealth beyond Michael’s wildest dreams, and his love for Elspeth, are marred by one mistake that haunts him. Blackmail, child-kidnap, a brutal murder, sex-trafficking – all ammunition The Spy uses in his attempts to bring down Michael, the Diamond Superstar.

Tempted? Maybe; I’m holding the price at 99p/99c for a little longer.


Find me at – authorsarahstuart.com



Again, thank you, Harmony, for your hospitality. Sarah xx

Thanks, Sarah. I have my copy on my ereader and can’t wait to read the whole series. Best of luck with everything! Hugs, Harmony xx

19 Comments on “#NewBook Release: Royal Command Family Saga

  1. Hi Harmony, and hello again, Sarah.
    I read the books individually over time and then was delighted to take my garden shears and a large hammer in with me when I was a beta reader for the full set.
    Having now bought and read the whole story I can highly recommend it and my review is now up on Zon dot com. Zon UK should follow in a few weeks.
    The saga is a great effort and is backed by a superb cover. Good work to you both, Sarah Stuart and Rebecca Bryn.

    • Hi Tom

      Thank you for dropping in, and for the great review.

      Harmony, he’s right about the hatchet. “Who said that?” “Where are we?”
      Think of an awkward question, and Tom asked it!

      If you open your copy, unless you’ve had time, you’ll see I added locations. They are particularly helpful in Illicit Passion – Europe – Dynasty of Deceit – London, Scotland, Switzerland, and America – Sizzling Sunset – England and America.

      I owe Linda Watkins (NYT Bestselling author) for a genuinely American character in Sizzling Sunset. It’s a wonder she hasn’t stopped by – it’s still early in America.

    • Hello, Tom. Thanks for dropping by to say hi! It sounds like you helped a lot with the finished books 😊

      • Tom helped a lot, Harmony.

        I had a reviewer group going on Facebook – i still have while members are active.

        Many of them helped with all sorts of things – beta reading – cover – blurb – advertising banners – video – and lots of useful suggestions for publicity.

        They didn’t know about you, Harmony, but they do now!

  2. the whole box set dropped onto my kindle in the early hours. I’ve read and reviewed all the earlier books and can’t wait to read the last in the series too. Well done Sarah.

  3. How absolutely wonderful to see you here, Sarah! And congrats on the new release! You have poured your heart and soul into this epic saga! Here’s wishing you much success!

    • Hi Jan.
      How marvellous to see you! I’ve been off the radar for a while with health issues. Also, I killed my laptop with tea when I sneezed, and yours was one of the many email addresses I lost.
      I took my chance with this compilation to sort a problem many reviewers had – confusing the names Lizzie and Lisette. Lizzie is now known by her real name, Elspeth, and I’ve added locations.
      Sizzling Sunset is completely new. I’d love a review if you have the time. I still quote from your others.
      Love, Sarah xx

  4. It’s great to see this fabulous family saga getting an airing here. It’s an epic work – four books and a novella – that’s taken several years to write and edit, and it richly deserves to be read. It has been an honour to be involved in its production, and I do hope readers will download it. I can highly recommend it – and 99c/99p? That’s a no brainer.

  5. Hi Roberta.
    I’m delighted you liked my cover. I think the designer, Rebecca Bryn, may be along later.
    “Spicy” is another good word – I tend to get “steamy” or “sizzling”

    Belatedly, good morning, Harmony!

  6. Lovely to meet Sarah, Harmony. This book certainly does sound spicy an I like the cover. I have always been attracted by ballerina’s and the stage.

    • It’s lovely to have Sarah here today. I lover her book covers too. Thanks, Robbie πŸ™‚