#NewBook: In Search of McDoogal by Mae Clair @MaeClair1
Hi everyone. Today, I have great pleasure in hosting author and friend, Mae Clair, so that she can tell us about her book, In Search of McDoogal … and at the end of Mae’s post, I want to share my book review of In Search of McDoogal with you all 🙂 … take it away, Mae >>>
Many thanks for hosting me today for the release of my Amazon short read, In Search of McDoogal. Many authors cross genres as writers, others experiment with different niches in fiction. I’m a mystery/suspense author, known for my love of folklore and urban legends, so what am I doing writing a light-hearted, quasi-road trip story?
In Search of McDoogal introduces several characters who have been kicking around in my head for years. I like visiting them because they’re able to run the gamut from silly to serious, much like some of the old buddy TV shows I loved (Starsky and Hutch, and Simon and Simon, to name a few). Although McDoogal is a short read, these characters have plenty of backstory. So much, that you may see them again in a series of shorts or even novellas down the road. I don’t intend to change my genre as an author, but I’m not adverse to experimenting a time or two.
In Search of McDoogal takes me into a realm I’ve haven’t visited in published work before. It’s a bit of fluff, light-hearted, silly and fun. You can read it in ninety-minutes or less, a nice little diversion any time of day.
And what exactly is a McDoogal? Well…you’ll have to read the story to find out 🙂
In search of something ugly…

All Brady Conrad wants to do is earn a few merit points with his artist girlfriend, so he volunteers to cover her gallery when she leaves town. What should be an easy day of sales goes belly up when he mistakenly sells a cherished painting.
With the clock ticking toward Vanessa’s return, Brady has less than a day to track McDoogal down. He coerces his friend Declan to tag along for moral support. How difficult can it be for an investigator and the director of a renowned institute to find a single painting in a town the size of a postage stamp?
Neither Brady nor Declan counted on a suspicious sheriff, rival baseball teams with a longstanding grudge, or a clueless kid trying to win his girlfriend with all the wrong gifts.
McDoogal is smack in the middle. But Brady’s biggest dilemma isn’t the disastrous hunt. It’s confessing to Vanessa her painting is the ugliest thing he’s ever seen.
I hope you’ll join in the fun of this road-trip-buddy-fic-comedy-of-errors. Did I mention In Search of McDoogal falls into Amazon’s 90-minute short read category? Perfect for an extended lunch break or quick read any time of the day or evening. When you don’t want to get immersed in a full-length novel, short reads make a nice fiction snack 🙂
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As promised, here’s my review:
Laugh-out-loud funny.
I grabbed this book as soon as it released because I love this writer. While it’s not her usual supernatural thriller, it is a fun comedy-of-errors romance with a cute twist at the end.
The book is a quick read of about an hour and a page turner.
If you need some light relief then In Search of McDoogal is for you.
I give it a solid five stars.
NOTE ON RATINGS: I consider a 3-star rating a positive review. Picky about which books I give 5 stars to, I reserve this highest rating for the stories I find stunning and which moved me.
4 STARS: I WOULD PULL AN ALL-NIGHTER — Go read this book.
3 STARS: IT WAS GOOD! — An okay read. Didn’t love it. Didn’t hate it.
2 STARS: I MAY HAVE LIKED A FEW THINGS —Lacking in some areas: writing, characterisation, and/or problematic plot lines.
1 STAR: NOT MY CUP OF TEA —Lots of issues with this book.
I’m looking forward to this one, Mae. I just need to make a little room in my kindle. Thanks for hosting, Harmony. 🙂
Thanks, Diana. Sorry for the delay. For some reason, WP put you in spam and I only just saw you, lols.
I must confess to being quite surprised, Mae, when I saw your name on this genre. However, like Harmony, I love your writing style and a copy is on my Kindle. Great review! Thank you Harmony for sharing this!
It looks like we have another multi-genre author on our hands! So glad you’ve taken the plunge. Thanks, Mark 🙂
A wonderful review, Harmony – congratulations to Mae, McDoogal sounds glorious. Toni x
Thanks, Toni 😊
Fabulous review, Harmony. Kudos on a whole new genre publication, Mae. I’ll be sure to share my own thoughts on it somewhere down the road. 🙂
This one will get you laughing, Kevin 😁
I love Mae’s books and look forward to reading this one. It sounds delightful!
I’m sure you’ll love it. Thanks, Flossie 😊
This books sounds great, Harmony, but I am determined that A thousand yesteryears is my next read by Mae.
Another good book from Mae! Thanks, Robbie 😊
This just makes me smile! 🙂 Congratulations on the wonderful review, Mae!
Many thanks to you both for sharing the joy! xo
So happy to have given you a smile. Thanks, Natalie 🙂
I couldn’t control my laughing when I was reading the book. Very nice, Mae!Thank you, Harmony, for hosting Mae and include your review of her book.
Yes, it was such a fun read. Thanks, Mirriam 🙂
I love hearing that you enjoyed the story, Miriam. My goal was definitely to bring laughter with this one. 🙂
Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts!
A well-deserved review on a book that had me rocking with laughter. I’m so looking forward to seeing these wonderful characters again. Thanks for sharing this with us, Harmony.
Me too! Thanks, Soooz 😊
You made my day, Soooz! I’m grinning ear to ear hearing you enjoyed McDoogal so much. Thank you, my friend!
Yay! I’m so glad you enjoyed McDoogal and all of my quirky characters, Soooz. I’m looking forward to bringing Brady and Declan back for future adventures! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!
This short read ranks really high on my list of favorites this year. It was just the right amount of humor to keep me smiling and chuckling through the entire story. Loved it!
Mine too! Thanks, Judi 😊
Aww, thanks, Judi. I am doing a Snoopy Dance hearing that comment. Thanks so much for your support and for sharing your thoughts!
Like you, I raced out to buy a copy of McDoogal the moment it came out, as it was from one of my favorite authors. I enjoyed the humor and wit Mae used, but even more, I loved how hard Brady searched for that ugly painting to please his girl. Now that’s romance 🙂
That sure is romance! Thanks, Jacquie 😊
Jacquie, I am blushing from that wonderful comment. You made my day, girlfriend! 🙂
And I am so glad you enjoyed Brady’s dilemma…and that of poor McDoogal, LOL. Thank you!!!
This was a great read that had me laughing:) I was also a big fan of Starsky and Hutch. I’m looking forward to more. Great review!
So glad you enjoyed McDoogal too, Denise 😊
Woohoo! Another S&H fan! I LOVED that show. I’ve always been a fan of buddy shows and stories.
And I’m thrilled that you also enjoyed McDoogal, Denise. It was fun to experiment with something along a different line 🙂
Harmony, many thanks for hosting me and McDoogal today. And thank you for sharing your review here. It’s always a pleasure to visit with you. I so appreciate your support!
It’s great to have you visit, Mae. And I adored McDoogal 😊
Hi, Mae! Great to see you here! I loved all the characters in this short story and I do hope they’ll pop up again somewhere. The sheriff had me in stitches! Well, they all did. 🙂 Thanks, Harmony!
I loved the sheriff too. Thanks, Jan 😊
LOL! I love that feedback, Jan. And I do hope to bring these characters back again. I really had a fun time writing them. So glad you enjoyed my quirky little story!
Good, quick, fun read with a satisfying ending.
It sure was. Thanks, Jacqui 😊
Thank you, Jacqui. I’m delighted you enjoyed it. Thanks for visiting to share your thoughts about McDoogal today!
So glad to see McDoogal and Mae getting some more love over here today, Harmony! I read this book between dinner and bedtime one night, and laughed myself silly. It was such a change from the last series I’d read of Mae’s (the shivery Hode’s Hill trilogy) but equally as good. Just in a different–and hilarious–way! I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a short, FUN escape from all that’s driving us crazy in the world today. Great post, Mae and Harmony! 🙂 <3
It really was a laugh a minute. Thanks, Marcia 😊
I’m so glad McDoogal and I kept you entertained, Marcia. I enjoyed taking a diversion from my supernatural thrillers. Thanks for your support and the wonderful recommendation. Hopefully, I’ll get back to Brady and Declan with another tale soon! 🙂
McDoogal is getting a lot of good press lately, and it’s well deserved. I read this one, too, and loved it.
So well deserved. Thanks, Craig 😊
Thanks so much for adding your recommendation and for your support, Craig. I didn’t do a lot of promo on this short little read, but I’m glad it brought some fun moments for those readers who discovered it!
I’ve got this one coming up soon. I actually tried to get Alexa to read it to me from my Kindle, but she said she couldn’t find it – even though it’s there. Stupid Alexa.
Alexa has been playing up here for a while. I’m sure she’s ignoring me, lols 😂. You’ll get a giggle or three when you do read McDoogal. Thanks, Teri 😊
LOL! Alexa does have a mind of her own now and then. I’ve hit some road bumps with her too.
Glad it’s coming up on your TBR, Teri. I hope you enjoy the silliness. Many thanks for visiting with me and Harmony today!
McDoogle is different than Mae’s usual writing but I absolutely loved it!
Nice to see the book getting attention around the blogosphere.
It is different. But, as you say, thoroughly enjoyable. Thanks, Joan 😊
Thanks, Joan. It was scary taking a chance on something so different, but I had fun with it. I hope to experiment again down the road. Many thanks for all your support!
It’s on my TBR. I’ve only heard great things about Mae’s story, and I’m looking forward to reading it!
That’s great, Priscilla. I’m sure you’ll get a laugh out of this one 🙂
I’m delighted to hear it’s on your TBR, Priscilla. I think you’ll get a few laughs out of it (at least I hope you will)! It’s a lighthearted little romp, and McDoogal is, well….McDoogal 😀
Ah, Harmony. I’m the same way. I grab everything she writes as soon as it’s out. It’s a wonderfully humorous story, a departure for sure, but no less entertaining. I love your review. Thanks for hosting. And best wishes to Mae.
Glad you loved the review. Yes, the book was so funny. Thanks, Staci 🙂
You are so supportive of me, Staci. Thank you so much! I truly appreciate it–and I’m utterly thrilled that even when I take a detour with something silly like McDoogal, you take that detour with me. Thank you!
I have this on my Kindle, Harmony. I want to get to it sooner rather than later but there are others in the way (like Fallout for instance) Super review.
Glad you like the review, John. And sorry my BIG book is in the way just now, but I hope you’re enjoying the distraction, lols 🙂
I’m glad to hear that McDoogal is nesting on your Kindle, John. And I fully understand about having other books ahead in the reading queue. I’m in the same situation, wanting to catch up. I hope you enjoy McDoogal when it surfaces. And I know you will love Fallout. Harmony’s book is excellent!
Aww, thanks, Mae 😁