Hi everyone, I had fun on the web yesterday visiting two lovely ladies: Sally Cronin with a wonderful review of The Vanished Boy, and Marcia Meara with a fun 10 Things you may not know about me. If you haven’t …

In case you missed my mischief … You can find me at Sally’s @sgc58 and Marcia’s @MarciaMeara Read more »

Hi everyone. I’m pleased to be able to say the tablets I began a couple of weeks ago continue to help my breathing. I have my chest x-ray appointment for May 4th, and my first COVI-19 jab tomorrow … everything …

#BookReview: Just Her Poetry by Denise Finn @dlfinnauthor and Summer Magic by Marcia Meara @MarciaMeara Read more »

Hi everyone! Happy New Year’s Eve. Here’s wishing you all a fabulous 2021. This year, I’ve discovered 10 writers new-to-me and one re-discovered, who have moved me and stayed with me long after I’ve read their books. Today, I wanted …

2020 #Authors Who Have Stayed With Me @callytaylor @DotHutchison @LynneBarrettLee @DMPulleyAuthor @rachelcaine @michaelcarey191 @Mark__Lawrence @longshotauthor @Dwallacepeach @NaminaForna @LBardugo @stacitroilo @TerryTyler4 @sgc58 @itsmcronin Read more »

Hi everyone. Today, I have two book reviews for you by authors near and dear to me, Staci Troilo and Marcia Meara. I loved these reads so much. Basically, I binge read all five of Staci’s Astral Conspiracy Series books, …

#BookReview: The Astral Conspiracy Series by @StaciTroilo-and-The Emissary Book One by @MarciaMeara Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I am so happy to have over friend and author, Marcia Meara. Help yourselves to beverages and cake, and enjoy a good book … perhaps the novella series, The Emissary. Here’s Marcia tell you all about her …

“Even angels deserve decent working conditions”: The Emissary Series by @MarciaMeara Read more »

Hello everyone. Today, I’d like to share two book reviews with you, both from indie writers whoom I respect. The first book is by my friend and fellow Story Empire writer, Criag Boyack, and features many old-favourites character-wise. The second …

#Book Review: Viral Blues by Craig Boyack @virgilante, and Finding Hunter by Marcia Meara @MarciaMeara Read more »