“Even angels deserve decent working conditions”: The Emissary Series by @MarciaMeara

Hi everyone! Today, I am so happy to have over friend and author, Marcia Meara. Help yourselves to beverages and cake, and enjoy a good book … perhaps the novella series, The Emissary. Here’s Marcia tell you all about her latest book >>>

Thanks so much for having me here today, Harmony. I’m pretty excited to be sharing the news of my latest release with you and your followers. It’s the final installment in a trilogy of three novellas, and I’d like to share a bit about how I came up with the idea for these angelic tales.

It’s always gratifying to discover readers are interested in the lives of secondary characters as well as those of the “stars” of our stories. After I published my second Riverbend novel, Finding Hunter, I began receiving a lot of questions about Gabe Angelino, the trucker who brought Hunter Painter home. It appears Willow wasn’t the only one who thought he might be a real angel instead of just a good man. At every local event—book signings, eco tours, slide show presentations—someone invariably asks about that mysterious trucker.

Talk about writing on the wall! This message was written large enough that even someone with eyes as old as mine could read it. I decided I’d better do something about it, but what? A lightbulb went off! Maybe a standalone novella would be a way to tell Gabe’s story without falling too far behind on either of my series.

The first questions I needed to answer were the ones everyone kept asking me—was Gabe Angelino really an angel? Or was he just a nice guy?

After an hour or two of pondering, I had my answers. Was Gabe an angel? No. Was he just a nice guy? No. Was his name even Gabe Angelino? No. He was going to be something different. Unique. And hopefully, a character who would both make people smile and speak to their hearts.

I continued to ponder. What if angels were desperately overworked? What if the population of the world had increased to such staggering proportions that it was becoming more and more difficult for angels to keep track of souls in peril? What if all the constant sturm und drang around the planet was driving angels to distraction and making their jobs so difficult, they needed help?

Finally, what if Azrael, the archangel in charge of all things connected to helping souls cross over into Heaven after death, has had enough? Even angels deserve decent working conditions, right? And with those questions settled in my own mind, the trilogy was born: The Emissary, The Emissary 2: To Love Somebody, and at long last, The Emissary 3: Love Hurts.



The archangel created his emissaries to help mortals avoid choices that would doom them for eternity. He hadn’t planned on the youngest member of his team falling in love with one.


Azrael’s emissarial program was growing daily, but it still met with stubborn opposition from many on the Council of Angels. Dodger’s request to be allowed to experience what falling in love was all about didn’t help matters, but Azrael thought the boy was onto something. He agreed emissaries who’d shared a loving relationship during their mortal lives would have a deeper understanding of human emotions and motivations, thus enhancing the skills they needed to do their jobs.

With that in mind, Azrael gave Dodger one chance to search for true love. He then laid down a daunting set of stringent rules and guidelines that could not be broken under any circumstances lest dire happenings occur. But while the angel sincerely hoped Dodger would find a way to make this endeavor work, he feared an avalanche of unintended consequences could be in store for his youngest emissary.

Sometimes even angels hate to be right.


Will Azrael ever tire of popping up behind Jake just to see his first emissary fall out of his chair in shock? Will sharp-eyed motel owners ever notice a big red and white semi mysteriously appearing and disappearing from their parking lots overnight? And will Dodger be able to track down the mystery girl who caught his eye two weeks earlier to see if she’s really The One?

To find the answers to these and other angelic or emissarial questions, come along on one last adventure with Jake, Dodger, and that ginormous, glowy-eyed archangel, Azrael. They’re waiting for you!



Marcia Meara lives in central Florida, just north of Orlando, with her husband of over thirty years and four big, spoiled cats.

When not writing or blogging, she spends her time gardening, and enjoying the surprising amount of wildlife that manages to make a home in her suburban yard. She enjoys nature. Really, really enjoys it. All of it! Well, almost all of it, anyway. From birds, to furry critters, to her very favorites, snakes. The exception would be spiders, which she truly loathes, convinced that anything with eight hairy legs is surely up to no good. She does not, however, kill spiders anymore, since she knows they have their place in the world. Besides, her husband now handles her Arachnid Catch and Release Program, and she’s good with that.

Spiders aside, the one thing Marcia would like to tell each of her readers is that it’s never too late to make your dreams come true. If, at the age of 69, she could write and publish her first book (and thus fulfill 64 years of longing to do that very thing), you can make your own dreams a reality, too. Go for it! What have you got to lose?


Contact & Buy Links


The Emissary 3: Love Hurts BUY LINK



The Write Stuff


Twitter: @marciameara


Find Marcia’s Books Here:


58 Comments on ““Even angels deserve decent working conditions”: The Emissary Series by @MarciaMeara

  1. Fabulous seeing Marcia and her newest book that I have been waiting for to come out, lol. Just grabbed my copy! Congrats again to Marcia! Hugs xx

  2. Thanks for hosting one of my very favourite authors, Harmony. Congratulations, Marcia! I bought a copy a few moments ago and know I’m going to enjoy it as much as the first two in the series. <3

    • Thanks so much for saying such a lovely thing, Trish! And for buying a copy of TE3, too! So happy you enjoy the series this much! 🙂 And a final thank you for stopping by here today to help Harmony help ME get the book launched! 😀 The writing community is a wonderful thing, and I’ve met so many fantastic people through it. Like YOU. 🙂

    • Thanks so much, Jacquie. The idea just grabbed me and took off. 😀 Hope you’ll get a chance to check it out one day. So nice of you to stop by and offer congratulations, too. Thanks!

  3. I love the idea of overworked angels. Don’t know why any angel would sign up to help mortals–seems overwhelming to me:) We seem to be able to make a mess of things. So finding emissaries is so clever. Wishing you tons of sales on your novellas, Marcia! Great guest post, Harmony.

    • Thanks so much, Judi! It seemed like a good idea to me, so I went with it. 😀 I could only imagine how frustrated with us all angels must be, and Azrael had simply had enough.

      Thanks for the good wishes, and I hope you’ll get a chance to check the series out one day. If so, let me know what you think. And thanks for stopping by today, too! 🙂

  4. Congrats to Marcia. I loved the first two books in this series. The characters are so heartfelt and I connected with them both. Now I need to add this one to my TBR list even though Rabbit is also calling to me. Lol. A great problem to have. Cheers to you, Marcia. And thanks Harmony for spreading the word. 🙂

    • Thanks so much, Diana! I’m delighted that you enjoyed TE1 and TE2, and I hope you’ll feel the same way about TE3. As for Rabbit, well, all I can say is he apparently charms the socks off of most readers. I wish I could take credit for that, but he pretty much dictates all his stories to me, himself. I’m just his steno. (Remember THAT term?) 😀

      Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts, both on Rabbit, and on TE3. Happy Reading! 🙂

  5. I’m very excited for you, Marcia. Congratulations! I’m so looking forward to reading this latest book. I love anything involving angels and now have a special love for emissaries. 🙂

    • So glad you’ve enjoyed the first two, Gwen! Can’t wait to see if you like how it all wrapped up. And I’m especially glad to know you enjoyed the concept of emissaries. Jake & Dodger are a pair, all right. Who knows? Maybe one day we’ll meet a few more. Or maybe that ginormous archangel will come up with a new way to make help angels do their jobs. 😀

      Thanks so much for stopping by today, and I’ll look forward to hearing your thoughts on Love Hurts when you have a chance to check it out! 🙂

  6. I love the concept of emissaries and have adored all three stories in this set. Best wishes, Marcia.

    Thanks for hosting, Harmony. (The cake was delicious.)

    • Thanks so much, Staci. I like the concept, too. 😉 It’s nice thinking we have a direct link to souls who are helping us avoid making poor choices. I’m very glad you’ve enjoyed this series, and appreciate the good wishes. I hope you ate MY slice of cake, too, since I’m not allowed these days. 😀

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Teri. And it’s lovely to know you’re “working on Rabbit,” a favorite character of mine. Hope you’ll enjoy that, and will also enjoy meeting Jake, Dodger, and Azrael when the time comes. (I know just how it is to be working through an enormous TBR pile, believe me. 😀 )

      Thanks for stopping by today, too, and happy reading! 🙂

  7. I am SO EXCITED about this release. I read–change that to devoured–the first two Emissary novellas, and have eagerly been waiting for this one. The characters of Jake, Dodger, and Azrael will steal your heart. I downloaded my copy immediately and can’t wait to dive in.

    Thanks for hosting Marcia today, Harmony.
    And, Marcia, you know I wish you a ton of downloads and a bizillion sales!

    • Aw, thanks so much, Mae! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the series to date, and I hope you’ll enjoy this wrap up, too. And BTW, you were the FIRST to download a copy yesterday, so that makes it even more special to me. 😀 Your steadfast support has been wonderful, and I appreciate it more than you know. But most of all, I’m just very happy you’ve enjoyed Jake, Dodger, and Azrael. Thanks for stopping by and sending your good wishes. And happy reading, too, my Penderpal and fellow Dresdenphile. 😀 😀 😀

    • I’ve yet to read this series and look forward to feasting my eyes on it. Thanks, Mae 🙂

    • Good to know, Anonymous. (I love a good mystery! 😀 ) I do hope you’ll enjoy the series when you have a chance to read it. Thanks so much for stopping by this morning, too. Happy reading!

  8. Thank you for featuring the series. The next one i have to read. In these times one need something to believe in, some characters you can use as a role model too. Enjoy your day! Michael

    • Thank you, Michael. I hope you’ll enjoy the series when you have a chance to check it out. Though Jake and Dodger are less than perfect, of course, they are good souls. (Or Azrael would never have enlisted them for his program.) I’d like to think they’d make good role models, too. 🙂 Will be very interested in finding out what you think of them, as well.

      Thanks so much for stopping by today, and happy reading! 🙂

  9. Thank you so much, Harmony, for jump-starting my “mini” blog tour today. What a lovely presentation you’ve put together! I so appreciate you helping me get the word out, and don’t worry. There are no real spoilers in this post. Just an overview of what the emissarial program is all about, and a tease or two as to the set up of the final novella.

    This little series was so much fun to write, and I hope your readers enjoy learning about it, and will give it a go. All three books are just $1.99, and at some point, there will be a print book with the entire trilogy available, as well. But that’s a bit farther down the road, I think.

    In the meantime, Jake, Dodger, and Azrael have some adventures to share with you, complete with some laughter, some tears, and a whole lotta interaction with a certain “ginormous, glowy-eyed angel.”

    Thanks again for having me, my friend! xxoo

    • It’s an absolute pleasure having you over to visit, Marcia. Best wishes with the book launch 🙂

  10. Wonderful to see Marcia out on the road in her semi-truck today. I’ll share this far and wide.

    • Jake and Dodger offered me a “ride-along” Craig, and I couldn’t resist. That big red and white semi has covered a lot of interesting miles between Atlanta and Key West, and adventures await those who tag along!

      Thanks so much for stopping by this morning! 🙂 And sharing would be great! 😀

    • Thanks, Joan. I’d like to think the trilogy is entertaining from start to finish. I know for a fact it was great fun to write, even though this last part took me longer than I expected. But it’s all out there now, yay!

      Thanks so much for stopping by today! 🙂

    • I’m glad it sounds interesting to you, Vivienne, and hope you’ll check it out. If you do, be sure to start with #1, The Emissary, as they should be read in order. I’ll be eager to see what you think of this angelic experiment and the adventures awaiting Jake, Dodger, and Azrael. Thanks so much for stopping by today! And happy reading! 🙂

  11. Hi Harmony
    Another interesting book you’ve found for us, thank you.
    BTW, tea or coffee would be nice, but I shall blame you if my diet goes haywire!

    • Harmon lays out a nice table, doesn’t she? I can only gaze wistfully at the cake, but I’ll help myself to some Earl Grey, for sure. Love the fancy cups! 🙂

      Gad the book sounds interesting, Sarah, and hope you’ll check it out, too. I’d love to know what you think. Thanks so much for stopping by this morning, too! Happy reading! 🙂

    • I still need to read the whole series, and I’m looking forward to it. Thanks, Priscilla 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Priscilla! I really hope you enjoy it, and that the wrap up will make you happy. It’s been such a fun story to tell, and doing it in three parts was new for me. I think I quite like novellas, though I’m heading back to Riverbend for my 4th full-length book in that series next. But I’m considering continuing my Wake-Robin Ridge series via some novellas, too. A great length for a story, I think.

      I’m looking forward to hearing what you think about Love Hurts, and again, thanks for grabbing a copy. Happy reading! 🙂

  12. Bring very careful about what I read because I don’t want spoilers! (Just about to start on this series). Best wishes to Ms M for the launch 🙂

    • Me too! I want to read these books without knowing what’s happened in the series already, lols. Thanks, Jessica 🙂

    • Ahhh, thanks so much, Jessica. I truly hope you find the series a lot of fun (with a few tears here and there). And I very much appreciate your good wishes, my friend. Can’t wait to see what you think about Jake, Dodger, and that honkin’ bit ol’ archangel, Azrael. (He of the glowy eyes, and ginormous white wings.) 😀 And thanks so much for stopping by today! Happy reading! 😀

    • Thanks, John! It’s off and running. Okay, strolling, compared to many blog tours I’ve seen. But it’s a good pace for me. 😀 So nice of Harmony to host me today, and thanks for stopping by. And for the congratulations, as well. Much appreciated!! 🙂