Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows? Hi everyone. I’ve written short story (1430 words) called Perspective, and another Haiku poem, Turmoil, for Vocal’s The Aquarium and High-ku Challenges. You can find my short story HERE   and my new Haiku HERE.         At …

Harmony is Vocal! #ShortStory: Perspective and a #Haiku in @Vocal_Creators #Fiction and #Poetry #challenge #WritingCommunity Read more »

Inspired by a Mountain … Hi everyone. I’ve written three Haiku poems for Vocal’s High-ku Challenge. You can find my poems …   HERE   HERE    and HERE.         At 17 syllables each, they’re nice and short 😁 …

Harmony is Vocal! 3 #Haiku in @Vocal_Creators #Poetry inspired by a #mountain #High-ku #challenge #WritingCommunity #poetsoftwitter #poetrylovers Read more »