The best #poetry books to #inspire and uplift you @Shepherd_books @BalroopShado

3 copies of Life & Soul on picnic table in forestHi everyone! I hope you’ve had a good weekend. After Mae Clair’s lovely Story Empire post on Shepherd for Authors, I got in touch, and today I have a post up with recommendations for five books of poetry that have stayed with me. You can find the page HERE. I list poets such as American Poet Laureate Kay Ryan, as well as one of my favourite Indie Poets, Balroop Singh. I’d be delighted if you could take a look and share the page. My latest book of poetry, Life & Soul, also gets a mention at the top of the page, so your sharing would help me get the word out on that too.

Thanks for all your support. I’d love to hear what you think of my recommendations in the comments below. Have a lovely day! πŸ™‚Β 

26 Comments on “The best #poetry books to #inspire and uplift you @Shepherd_books @BalroopShado

  1. Hi Harmony, those are all great poetry books and you’ve included The War Poets, my favourite poetry book of them all. I shared to Twitter and my Facebook Poetry group.

    • That’s fantastic. Thanks so much for sharing. Much appreciated! The War Poets moved me deeply. I love that we share a love of the same poetry. Thanks, Robbie πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  2. Hey. So yes, there I was, posted my book review on Amazon for Tell Me A Story when I got a recommendation for your book. How cool is that? I clicked to look inside. Loved what I saw: HOPE β€” about a Violet looking forward to the visit of a dear friend… and I’m enamored. Wow. Bought the book. So happy I did. Thanks. Will review when I’m done.
    ((ps. Posted this before with a lot more excitement the first time. Reader. But it didn’t take. The commenting is STILL not working in the reader. And I STILL forget.)) all the best. Xoxo

  3. Oh, how wonderful, Harmony! And this is a gentle reminder that I still need to go do that! Congrats!

    • Thanks, John. The wonderful team at Shepherd take the credit for the lovely layout πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  4. Great post, Harmony πŸ™‚ I shared it but couldn’t comment.

  5. Thanks for sharing your favs, Harmony. I’ve been meaning to sign up with Shepherd for Authors since Mae’s post. You’ve inspired me to get that done!

  6. Congratulations on “Life and Soul”, Harmony, and I also enjoy reading Kay Ryan. I’m not familiar with some on your list, so thanks for the heads-up.

    • So happy to have introduced you to some new poetry collections! Thanks, Misky πŸ’•πŸ™‚