Hello everyone. Today, I am thrilled to host author Mae Clair and take part in her cover reveal for End of Day, which I have to say is awesome! The cover for Cusp of Night was great too, and the …

End of Day is upon us! Read more »

Hello everyone. Another week is done. I hope those of you who had a three-day weekend last week enjoyed it. It’s been another full and fun-packed week here. We had a large window removed from the lounge wall and got …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! I hope you’ve all had a good week. Here in the UK, we had a bank holiday on Monday, and fiancĂ© and I went to Mount Edgecumbe House and Country Park. What a lovely day, and my …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! I hope you’ve had a good week this week. Once again, I’ve had a fairly eclectic time of it with knitting projects, wedding projects, and writing, as well as making sure I get some reading time …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Another week done with. We had family stay on the weekend, doing post bereavement house clearance ready for putting the property up for sale to pay for my nearly-mother-in-law’s ongoing care. By Monday morning, it felt …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hi everyone. Over on Story Empire today, Mae Clair has a fun post about scribbling, cooking, and writing. Well worth a look … Hi, SEers! Mae here to talk about cooking and writing. At first glance these two things may …

Cooking, Writing, Scribbling–It’s all good Read more »

Hello everyone! Happy Monday. Today, over on Story Empire, Staci Troilo brings us the last in her great seven-part series on the seven basic plots … well worth checking out … Ciao, SEers. Today we’ll be discussing the last of …

Basic Plots: Overcoming the Monster Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! It’s been a productive week here with lots of jobs and lots of writing achieved. Still no hip x-ray, grrr … that’s been a good while waiting now. I will say that as long as I’m …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! This week, I started making wedding crutches … I’ll show a tutorial on here at some point. So far, I’ve transformed one grey and scuffed crutch into something beautiful using satin ribbon, strong adhesive double-sided tape, …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Over on Story Empire today, Craig Boyack has an awesome post on plot tension. Please do hop on over to check out the full article … Craig with you today. Sometimes I have topics to spare, and sometimes I struggle …

Keep the pressure on Read more »

Hello everyone! Happy Friday. I’m only pretending to be here today, as I’m away from home until Saturday, lol. Due to my short trip, my cut-off for new blog posts was Wednesday evening rather than Thursday evening this week. I’ll …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Check out Staci Troilo’s final book in the Medci Protectorate series! I enjoyed books 1 and 2 and need to get round to reading book 3 before number 4 releases 🙂 … Bittersweet. That’s the only way I can describe …

Tortured Soul Available for Preorder Read more »

Hello everyone. Happy Friday! I hope you’ve all had a good week. Lot’s done here, with a busy week and lots finished. I also found time for a story based on more Storymatic prompts, and am having fun with that. …

My Week in Review and Writing Links Read more »

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday 🙂 Over on Story Empire today, author P. H. Solomon gives us a lovely post all about criticism and feedback on our books. Well worth a read … There’s an age-old idiom which we still use …

See the Forest & the Trees Read more »

Hello everyone! Today, over on Story Empire, Craig Boyack has an interesting and fun post on naming things …   Hi Gang, Craig here today with a little confession to make. I hate naming things. This can be almost any …

Problems naming things Read more »

What do you do when you hit a brick wall? Check out what author Joan Hall has to say over on Story Empire today! 🙂 Hi SE Readers! Joan here today to talk about the dreaded “writer’s block.” Okay, some …

When You Hit a Brick Wall Read more »

Hello everyone! Happy Monday. Today, you’ll find me over on Story Empire, talking about how to format your Word document to best convert your manuscript into a book for print and ebook. Well worth a look … Hello SErs! Harmony …

How To: From Word to Book Read more »

Hello everyone! Happy Friday 🙂 I hope you’ve all had a good week. Mine has focused more on getting things sorted out than on writing or creating or even that darned audio editing growling at me from the corner, lols. …

My week in review and writing links Read more »

Hello SErs! Happy Friday! 🙂 Harmony here. Today is my turn to share a book cover with you that caught my attention for one reason or another. As you will see from the post title, I couldn’t … Source: Friday …

Friday Cover Share: Cusp of Night & The Alternative Read more »

Hi everyone! Over on Story Empire, author P.H. Solomon has a great post on marketing for you … It’s the stuff that makes for a great story and grabs people’s attention who enjoy one: The Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine. The …

The Lost Dutchman’s Mine Gold Mine of Authors Read more »

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! Once again, this is me readying for the weekend. I can’t rightly say winding down, because all plans ended up off this week.Today’s quote reflects the kind of week I’ve had. I’ve had issues with a …

My week in review and writing links Read more »