It is my great pleasure to showcase James Sinclair’s latest book, Into Ourselves! 🙂   What makes us human? Where did we come from? What will be our final destination? Into Ourselves is an exploration into the evolution of man …

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Redeemer By Guy Brooke The continuing story from Mystical Mountain Magic – ‘Deceiver’, where foreign explorers in search of gold and the fountain of youth discover more than they bargained for: Leira, the Deceiver who’s crafted in gems and walks …

Redeemer by Guy Brooke Read more »

Catch my awesome interview with Renee Hand on Blogtalk radio! I’ve never done a radio interview before! But I survived LOL 🙂 Renee was such a great host!   Check Out Books Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with storiesfromunknownauthors on BlogTalkRadio

Brand new book from Author Brian Sfinas! And, folks, this is one not to be missed 🙂 My Review: This novel is set two-hundred years in the future and is written in a journalistic format. With this writer, every word …

The Darkest of Suns Will Rise Read more »

After all that writing, my latest book is finally here! Are you ready for it? 🙂   Finding Katie I killed someone, you see. I killed the girl, who used to be me.  I’m Kate … Kate Charlesworth. I’m seventeen, …

Finding Katie is here! Read more »

After all that writing, my latest book is finally here! Are you ready for it? 🙂   Finding Katie I killed someone, you see. I killed the girl, who used to be me.  I’m Kate … Kate Charlesworth. I’m seventeen, …

Finding Katie is here! Read more »

  MEET THE CHARACTERS OF THE VANILLA BET by Ella Emerson   Trace Weston: Trace has never really dated girls before but the more time he spends with Vanessa the more he can see being with her for longer than …

Supporting Authors: Proud to welcome Ella Emerson! Read more »

I haven’t kept Katie company in a while, as I’ve been busy with poems, and my other “project”, which I’m not telling about just yet 🙂 Woot, woot! 5,500 words written today! The word count is now at 57, 816 …

#amwriting: Finding Katie Read more »

I am delighted to introduce The Herz family … Father and two sons … Henry, Josh, and Harrison! This trio came up with a great children’s picture book, and it was a nice break from my usual routine when I …

Supporting Authors: Monster Goose Read more »

Hi folks! I have another instalment of Finding Katie for you 🙂 … Are you ready? … “The last bit gets my attention. The silence shifts, and holds the question. Mel catches it.” WIP is now at 51,437 words 🙂 …

#amwriting – Finding Katie Read more »

Author James Sinclair is a special friend of mine, and I am delighted to showcase his third book … In the Shade of the Shamiana James’ latest book, In the Shade of the Shamiana is here! It will be available in …

Supporting Authors: Cover Reveal … Read more »

Ooops, where’d the last four days go? I kind of blinked and missed them. Exciting though, once I stopped being ill, ‘cos I have a new project up my sleeve … yes, as well as the WIP, LOL. Anyway, I …

#amwriting: Finding Katie, Day 11 Read more »

DOG BONE SOUP is not only the title of Bette A. Stevens’s debut novel; it ranks high among the paltry meals that the book’s protagonist, Shawn Daniels, wants to forget. Plodding through mounting snow and battling howling winds, Shawn is …

Supporting Authors: Dog Bone Soup by Bette A Stevens Read more »

Day Five: Today, you get another bonus, seeing as we’ve missed a couple of days 🙂 I’m showing a sneak peek to a whole page again, instead of the first line. These are unedited first drafts you’re reading 🙂 Are you …

#amwriting: Finding Katie, Day 5 Read more »

MARKETING INDIE BOOKS (Part 2 of 5) Welcome back to our Lucky Blog Tour. Yesterday, I introduced the first part of my reflections on writing and marketing indie books. If you haven’t read the post, I invite you to check …

Supporting Indies: Lucky Blog Tour Read more »

Two great books!  First up:  Impervious by Heather Letto ♥♥♥♥♥ I read this cover to cover in one sitting. I bought it ages and ages ago, and finally got to reading it! I didn’t follow my usual evening routine and …

Supporting Authors … Two reviews … Read more »

Introducing … the one and only … Lisa Mauro! New Indie Author with her debut novel: The Place We Went to Yesterday. This one will touch the heartstrings, folks.   Which writers inspire you? I’m a big fan of Sylvia …

Supporting Authors … Drum Roll Please …. Read more »

Don’t Water the Marigolds is here! James Sinclair’s awesome second book, and his debut novel! Childless widow Deirdre is living a quiet and uncomplicated life. That is, until she makes the fateful decision to take in lodgers. Flighty Sharon and …

Don’t Water the Marigolds! Read more »