#amwriting: Finding Katie, Day 6

write-what-you-loveDay Six

Okay folks, here we are again! I’ve had a productive day today. Not only have I written about 2000 words, but I also made my ebook and paperback book covers. You guys have to watch out for the cover reveal, ‘cos I LOVE this one! πŸ™‚


Here is today’s first line quote:

“What idiot am I to think I can hide the kind of girl I am?”

Β©2015 Harmony Kent


Word Count so far: 22790 πŸ™‚


4 Comments on “#amwriting: Finding Katie, Day 6

  1. Harmony,

    Keep me in the loop as to the cover reveal. You should also reach out to Jazz to assist with this as well. Being part of AAM does have its benefits. πŸ˜‰

  2. Harmz, I’m intrigued. Can I have a clue as to what kind of book it is you’re writing? Am looking forward to your cover reveal and will be happy to share it on my blog also. My WIP is currently at 44,000 words. I’m getting there slowly.

    • Hi Mims! Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚ Tell you what, just for you, I will give a clue on my next Finding Katie post πŸ™‚
      I also gratefully take you up on your offer of hosting my cover reveal :))) And anytime you want to promote your work, you know where I am!
      Good luck with your WIP … 44,000 words is awesome πŸ™‚