Two Loves   Today being right before Valentine’s Day, I wanted to talk a bit about love. In my experience, two kinds of love exist: selfish love and selfless love. The selfish kind grasps and demands and tries to force …

Monday Musings Thirty-eight: Two Loves Read more »

No Regrets   How many times in your life have you done or said something that you regret? On the flip side, how many times have you regretted avoiding needed action or speech? Even the bad days have something to …

Monday Musings Thirty-seven: No Regrets Read more »

  Hi folks. Today, it gives me great pleasure to welcome author Sarita Leone with her Paranormal Romantic Suspense Novel: Regenerate. Sarita will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. …

Regenerate Read more »

Hey folks, hello and welcome to my place 🙂 Today, it gives me great pleasure to introduce author Brandi Megan Granett and her Contemporary Romance Novel, TRIPLE LOVE SCORE. Brandi will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a …

Triple Love Score Read more »

  Shut up. Just … shut up.   Often, when going through a tough time, all we need is to talk it out. To share with someone. What we don’t need—much of the time—is advice, and certainly not judgement. The …

Monday Musings Thirty-six: Shut up. Just … shut up Read more »

The Tangled Webs We Weave   Quite often, we are our own worst enemy and harshest critic, especially when things go wrong. To add insult to injury, it would be a rare thing for us to judge others in the …

Monday Musings Thirty-five: The Tangled Webs We Weave Read more »

Greetings, and thank you for joining us in the phenomenal yearly celebration, that we call, “Concordant Vibrancy’s Book Release”. Every year, thus far, we’ve had an amazing collection of authors collaborate in narrating their interpretations of that year’s theme question. …

New Anthology Release: Lustrate! Read more »

Be the First   Any spiritual practice worth its salt will advise us to choose the path of humility. Why, then, have I entitled today’s musing ‘Be the First’? It is more than possible to take the lead without taking …

Monday Musings Thirty-four: Be the First Read more »

  Remember Me How many times have you read somewhere that it’s good to give? Good to listen. Good to trust. While I wouldn’t go against any of that, I would put in a ‘but’. I would insert a cautionary …

Monday Musings Thirty-three: Remember Me Read more »

Let the Adventure Begin   Hello, everyone. Happy New Year! What does the start of a new year mean to you? What are your hopes and wishes? This year, I hope that you make mistakes. Now, why would I wish …

Monday Musings Thirty-two: Let the Adventure Begin Read more »

Lighting a Lamp   Well, today is Boxing Day, and Christmas is done for another year. I hope you all had a peaceful day yesterday with not too much drama. If not, then my thoughts and best wishes are with …

Monday Musings Thirty-one: Lighting A Lamp Read more »

Hello and thank you for visiting! Today, the members of All Authors P&P bring you a spectacular cover reveal for a phenomenal story. But to know more about this story, you must first understand the its origins.   In 2013 …

Cover Reveal: The Legacy of Marco Antonio and Amaryllis Read more »

The Best Gifts Cannot be Bought   As today’s post will be the last one before Christmas, what better time to talk about giving? For many of us, frenzied Christmas shopping and wrapping have filled recent days and weeks. For …

Monday Musings Thirty: The Best Gifts Cannot be Bought Read more »

Hello! Thanks for visiting. In celebrating a new tradition, All Authors Publications and Promotions is rejoicing in the forthcoming release of the 3rd Annual installment of “Concordant Vibrancy”. First there was “Concordant Vibrancy: Unity”, the first book in this multi-genre …

Concordant Vibrancy 3: Lustrate Read more »

Your Life Purpose Have you ever found yourself wondering what it’s all about? Asking why you’re alive? What your purpose is? Well, the good news is that you’re far from alone. Most of us have found ourselves in this exact …

Monday Musings Twenty-nine: Your Life Purpose Read more »

As easy as 1—2—3 Each morning, we are born again. We can’t start the next chapter in our lives if we keep re-reading the last one. What matters most is what we do today. For certain, worrying about what has …

Monday Musings Twenty-eight: As Easy As 1-2-3 Read more »

Keep it Simple   I don’t know about you, but for me, life has all-too-frequently felt like an uphill struggle. In my younger years, I took things far too seriously. And, while I had big ambition, I had small confidence. …

Monday Musings Twenty-seven: Keep it Simple Read more »

Hey everyone! Today, I have great pleasure in hosting author Carol Cassada to celebrate the launch of her latest novel, Westmore! Take it away, Carol 🙂 … “A literary version of a soap opera.” That’s how I describe Westmore whenever …

Guest Post: Carol Cassada and Westmore! Read more »

Ten Things to Forget   Today’s Monday Musings marks half a year. Wow—where’d the time go? For those of you who’ve been with me from the beginning, thank you. For all of you who have just joined in the fun, …

Monday Musings Part Twenty-six: Ten Things to Forget Read more »

Boomerang Most of us desire a happy, smooth existence, right? Some of us, of course, chase the thrill, but even that is on our terms. We might go and climb Everest or swim the English channel in deepest, darkest, iciest …

Monday Musings Part Twenty-five: Boomerang Read more »

One Step   In our previous Musings, we have looked at many topics. What they all come down to is letting go and moving on from a place of acceptance and stillness. A place of not putting ourselves (our conditioning) …

Monday Musings Part Twenty-four: One Step Read more »

Forgiveness Isn’t What You Think   In my younger days, I used to believe that forgiving a person helped them more than it helped me. Not so. When we hold onto anger and blame, we hurt ourselves far more than …

Monday Musings Part Twenty-three: Forgiveness Isn’t What You Think Read more »

Herd Animal  Human beings are herd animals and, for this reason, can find it difficult to go against the crowd. To step out on your own can feel daunting at best. It can also liberate you. Today’s musing also ties …

Monday Musings Part Twenty-two: Herd Animal Read more »

Painting Pain   All of us tell ourselves stories about what confronts us. We paint pictures in our heads of how we think things are. Then we compare this to the picture we’ve already painted about how we think it’s …

Monday Musings Part Twenty-one: Painting Pain Read more »

It’s Never too Late   Recently, I came across a quote by George Elliot that resonated with me. ‘It is never too late to be who you might have been.’   For me, this single sentence contains a book full …

Monday Musings Part Twenty: It’s Never too Late Read more »

  It’s Okay to Have a Meltdown   While we’re on our life journey, it’s important to remember that we’re only human. And not a one of us is a saint (most probably). And, I’m sure that each of those …

Monday Musings Part Nineteen: It’s Okay to Have a Meltdown Read more »

  First up is the October KU Challenge and Giveaway! With so many FREE ebooks you’ll still be reading them next Halloween! 🙂  Enter here: Are you a Kindle Unlimited Member? Join the October KU Challenge & Giveaway 10/1-10/31! Over 50 …

Time to Get Your Spook On! Read more »