Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday. Today, over on Story Empire, author Staci Troilo brings us another great post on the seven basic plots. Entertaining and Informative, it’s definitely worth checking out … Ciao, SEers. I’m back again today with one of …

Basic Plots: Voyage and Return Read more »

Hello everyone! Today, it gives me great pleasure to host author Mae Clair with her latest Supernatural Thriller book of fiction: Cusp of Night! Some of you will know that Mae has a special interest in all things supernatural, and …

Mae Clair: Cusp of Night book release Read more »

Hi everyone, happy Monday! It’s so hot and humid here … Well, not to worry, as we have author Mae Clair over on Story Empire today with a great post on Creative Tools. I’m off to do more investigating because …

These look like fun: Tools to engage your creativity! Read more »

Check out this awesome list of SciFi and Fantasy books brought to you by PH Solomon over on story empire today. I have to say, I adored Anne McCaffrey’s Pern books when I was younger 🙂   Hello again, to …

Five For Friday: SF&F That Should Be A Movie Or TV Epic Read more »

For any writers who’ve thought about saving time writing by dictating, this is the post for you! 🙂   Hello to all the story Empire readers. I hope everyone had a good Memorial day weekend. For those of us not …

Get the Most Out of Dictation With These Tips Read more »

Check out this entertaining post from Mae Clair over on Story Empire today … are you a plotter or pantser? Do your characters ever hijack you? Hello, SEers! Mae here today with an overdue confession. Perhaps I should explain how …

Confessions of a (soon to be) Reformed Pantser Read more »

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted in a little while. I’ve been off enjoying the Mediterranean instead, lols. Now I’m back, watch this space! 🙂 Over on Story Empire today, Craig Boyack has come up with an awesome fiction prompt …

Friday Fiction: A Helping Hand Read more »

Hello everyone! Today, over on Story Empire, we have our monthly Friday Fiction Prompt. Check it out at: http://storyempire.com/2018/04/06/friday-fiction-prompt-4/. Mae Clair used a word cloud as the prompt. I chose ‘subdue’ as my ‘writing rocket’. Below is the short fiction …

Friday Fiction Prompt: Chained to the Desk Read more »

Check outnews from our Story Empire authors … new books, upcoming books, and more …   Happy Friday, SEers! This month is one of the few this year that has five Fridays rather than four. It doesn’t happen often enough …

Bonus Friday: Author Update Read more »

Hello everyone, Today, it gives me great pleasure to host Staci Troilo on the release of her latest book, GAMBLE. This is the second book in her Nightforce Security Series. I read the first one, PASSWORD, and thoroughly enjoyed it. …

New Book: Gamble Read more »

A thought-provoking post on the various publishing routes available to authors by P.H. Solomon over on Story Empire … Making choices self-publishing choices can feel like throwing darts blindfolded. With all the changes to publishing in the last decade or …

Throwing Darts Blindfolded & Author Considerations Read more »

Happy Friday, everyone! 🙂  Today, over on Story Empire, we have a Friday Fiction Prompt, where we invite everyone to write and share a short story. Find Staci Troilo’s Story Empire post at: Story Empire Friday Fiction Prompt: Limited and Focused …

The Wrong Slide Read more »