Harmony Kent has entered Vocal’s Passing Ships Short, True Story challenge. Pop on over for a gripping, heart-wrenching and heart-warming read! Who knows when a mere smile or a simple nod of encouragement could change a victim’s life?

Inspired by the four elements of earth, wind, fire, and water … Hi everyone. I’ve written 6 … ahem, yes, 6 … poems for Vocal’s Quadru-Haiku Challenge. Vocal’s criteria for this Haiku challenge is simply a 5-7-5 syllable format without any of …

Harmony is Vocal! #Haiku in @Vocal_Creators #Poetry four elements #challenge #WritingCommunity #poetsoftwitter #poetrylovers Read more »

Hi everyone. Today I have a book review for you from an author new to me, Amy Sue Nathan, with a domestic drama set in the 1960s. Here’s my review >>> About the Book: Perfect wives, imperfect lives, and upending …

#BookReview: Well Behaved Wives by Amy Sue Nathan @AmySueNathan Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I have a book review for a light read from a fellow author I haven’t read before, Toni Pike. I’ll have to check out her other books for sure >>> About the Book: Meet Linda Lockwood: fifty, …

#BookReview: Linda’s Midlife Crisis by Toni Pike @piketoni1 Read more »

The Last Train Hi everyone. Exciting news today! I’ve written and submitted a short story (roughly 1400 words) to the Vocal The Runaway Train Challenge. My story is HERE.  I’d love to know what you think! And I would be …

The Last Train: No Going Back @Vocal_Creators #ShortStory challenge #WritingCommunity #readersoftwitter #ReadingCommunity Read more »

Hi everyone! Today, I have a book review for a read I picked up via NetGalley. I haven’t come across this writer before, but I’ll be checking out more of his work >>> About the Book: For fans of Gillian …

#BookReview: The House of Ashes by Stuart Neville @stuartneville @bonnierbooks_uk Read more »