Harmony is Vocal! The Choice: How a Stranger Changed my Life. In @Vocal_Creators #shortstory #truelife Passing Ships #challenge #domesticabuse

The Choice: How a Stranger Changed my Life.

Hi everyone. I’ve written a short, true story for Vocal’s Passing Ships challenge.

You can find my entry below. Vocal estimates this as a 10-minute read.

Who knows when a mere smile or a simple nod of encouragement could change a victim’s life?


The Choice


The Choice — How a Stranger Changed my Life




Excited Update: Vocal has named this Top Story within minutes of it going live!!! I’m shocked, thrilled, stunned, and doing my happy dance 💃🎉🥃🎉😁💃


I’d love to know what you think! And I would be delighted if you could read and heart. To heart and/or comment, you’ll need to sign in to Vocal, which is free to do.

Thanks for all your support! Hugs 🤗💕🙂 

10 Comments on “Harmony is Vocal! The Choice: How a Stranger Changed my Life. In @Vocal_Creators #shortstory #truelife Passing Ships #challenge #domesticabuse

  1. The story was strong and beautifully written Harmony. As someone who learned a lot from living with her own abuser (before my beautiful husband), paying attention to glaring red flags is essential in avoiding such relationships. The first flag was someone TELLING us how to dress. Once a leopard shows their spots, they don’t change. 🙂 <3

    • Well said, Debby, and thanks so much for your lovely words. Hugs 🤗💕🙂

  2. Your story is an extraordinary, well-written, capture of domestic violence. Bravo, Harmony, and thank you for stepping forward with this. ❤️