Hello everyone! It gives me pleasure today to host author Alli Sinclair and her Women’s Fiction novel, Midnight Serenade. Alli will be awarding a digital copy of Midnight Serenade to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. For …

Midnight Serenade Read more »

  Hey folks! Best beware: here Dragons be there! Put on your Fantasy Caps because, today, we bring you author Erika Gardner and her Fantasy Fiction Novel, The Dragon in the Garden! Erika will be awarding from Amazon her book to six …

The Dragon in the Garden Read more »

  Hello and welcome to Harmony’s place today. Sit back and relax and enjoy a sneak peek from author Linda Covella’s Middle Grade Adventure novel, Cryptogram Chaos. Linda will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to …

Cryptogram Chaos Read more »

  Hello everyone! It gives me pleasure today to host author Delphine Dryden and her Erotic Romance novel, Ride ‘Em. Delphine will be awarding a digital copy of Ride ‘Em to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. For …

Ride ‘Em Read more »

  Hey folks! Welcome to my place today 🙂 It gives me great pleasure to host All In, a contemporary romance by Simona Ahrnstedt, where the long Swedish nights unfold an affair that will bring light to shocking secrets. For …

All In Read more »

  Hello and welcome to Harmony’s place today. Oh boy, you’d best be on your guard with today’s guest and his main character, David Flint. Watch out he doesn’t pull your strings! Please give a big, warm welcome to author Kerry …

Who’s Pulling Your Strings? Read more »

  Hey folks! Welome to my blog today. It gives me great pleasure to introduce author Mark Morey and his Historical Fiction novel, The Last Great Race. Also, Mark treats us to his thoughts on Setting the Scene 🙂 Aaaand …

The Last Great Race Read more »

Hi folks! It gives me great pleasure to host author Jan Hawke and her new book, A Freebooter’s Fantasy Almanac! Jan is on tour with 4Wills Publishing   Take it away, Jan! 🙂 Alter-egos, roleplaying and pen names… Even if …

A Freebooter’s Fantasy Almanac Read more »

  Hello and welcome to my place today. Hold on tight to your coffee ‘cos there’s Homicide in the House today! Ya’ll can blame author Colleen J Shogan and her cozy mystery novel for that, lol. For more murder and …

Homicide in the House Read more »

  Hello and welcome to Harmony’s place. Please give a huge, warm welcom to author Demi Alex with her Erotic Romance novel, 26 Hours in Paris. Demi will be awarding a digital copy of 26 Hours in Paris to a randomly …

26 Hours in Paris Read more »

  Okay, folks, I’ve stopped trembling enough to write this post, lol! As well as hosting today, I’ve been asked to give a review, which you’ll find at the bottom of the page. Just the book cover is enough to …

Who knew Pork could be so scary?!?! Read more »

  Hi folks! Today, I bring you author Isabelle Cecils and her memoir, Leaving Shangrila. Isabelle will be awarding a $30 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. For her other tour …

Leaving Shangrila Read more »

Hello and welcome to Harmony Kent’s place. Pull up a chair and make yourself comfy. There’s coffee in the pot and cookies (if you’re quick). It gives me great pleasure to welcome author Celeste Prater today, and her Erotic Romance …

Fueled by Lust Read more »

  Hey everyone! Great to see you today. We have an extra special treat with not one but four Contemporary Romance authors and their novels, yay!! 🙂  We have Could this be Love? by Lee Kilraine, Not Second Best by …

A Bonanza of Contemporary Romances Read more »