Who knew Pork could be so scary?!?!

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Okay, folks, I’ve stopped trembling enough to write this post, lol! As well as hosting today, I’ve been asked to give a review, which you’ll find at the bottom of the page. Just the book cover is enough to give me goosebumps. Right, well, ahem, on with the post … πŸ˜‰Β 

It gives me great … erm … pleasure(!) to host author R S Anthony today and her Contemporary Suspense Thriller, Pork. RosemaryΒ will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Please do leaves comments for more chances to win! To see Rosemary’s other tour stops, please click on the banner above πŸ™‚

a Rafflecopter giveaway

High school is torture for Steven Walthurst, and home isn’t a whole lot better. The only place that offers respite is an abandoned tree house at the edge of town. But something lurks in the nearby woods, and the long line of elm trees has a clear message for Steven: keep out.

Then one day, Steven finds a little girl lying unconscious, perilously close to the woods. As the two get to know one another, Steven experiences real friendship for the first timeβ€”and gets closer than ever to knowing the darkness that skulks between the trees.
He dedicates himself to keeping his new friend safe, but the tranquility of their fragile hidden world doesn’t last long. When an act of cruelty pushes Steven to his limits, his secretsβ€”and those of the dark woodsβ€”come close to unraveling, threatening to destroy the one thing making his teenage life bearable. Can Steven save everything he’s built from crumbling under the pressure?


When Steven finally reached Sandy’s house, he saw an ambulance in her yard and his heart picked up pace again. He ran the final few yards and reached the marble stairs just as the paramedics wheeled Sandy out on a stretcher.

β€œSandy!” he called out and she glanced at him. An oxygen mask was strapped to her face and she looked pale. She smiled weakly as they brought her down the stairs and loaded her into the ambulance. Nanny Gwen locked the doors and looked up to find Steven staring dumbly at the paramedics as they shut the ambulance door.

β€œOh hi, Steven.”

Steven turned around and said, β€œNanny Gwen. What happened?”

β€œNothing happened, Steven. She’s just weak, and the doctors think she’ll get better sooner if they keep her at the hospital for a few days. We’re taking her to Halstead Care.”

β€œWhy?” Steven couldn’t understand it. The ambulance’s engine roared to life.

β€œSandy hasn’t been eating well and her temperature’s high. So the doctors are going to do some tests and try to curb the fever. Don’t worry. She’s going to be fine. I promise she’ll be back in no time, and you can visit her again soon.”

With that, Nanny Gwen smiled and got into a shiny red car. Steven stared at the two vehicles pulling out and walked out of the yard slowly, his shoulders drooping. He made his way to the tree house, wondering why he’d never seen Sandy’s parents. He decided to come back to her house in a couple of days to make sure she was all right.


About the Author:

Rosemary Anthony writes suspense fiction with a twist. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Management from the University of Science Malaysia and recently made the jump from writing official documents to writing fiction novels. Blessed with 17 nephews and nieces, she finds the world of young adults to be a thrilling source of inspiration for her books.

Rosemary lives in a small town in Malaysia and travels as often as possible to broaden her cultural horizon. You can find out more about her books, giveaways, and new releases on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rsanthony.author/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/r.s.anthony

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rosebudmary

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15142449.R_S_Anthony

Her debut fiction Pork can be found in:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Pork-R-S-Anthony/dp/1530569133/

NOTE: β€œPork” will be FREEΒ on Amazon June 21-23, 2016

What others are saying:

β€œStay with this new author. She’s impressive.” – G. Harp

β€œThe plot is elaborate leading to an unexpected twist in the end which I loved. It is a very good read– you won’t be disappointed!” – D. Mantzari

β€œ…makes for an entertaining read, just prepare yourself to have a few WTF moments while enjoying the experience…” – Book Mafia Blog

β€œThe author has a lovely writing style with clear, sparse prose that allows the story to breathe. Bit by bit each character plays a part in unraveling the mystery…” – The Welshbird


My Review can be found on Goodreads and Amazon.

11 Comments on “Who knew Pork could be so scary?!?!

  1. Many writers describe themselves as β€œcharacter” or β€œplot” writers. Which are you?

  2. Thanks, everyone, for stopping by. Hopefully, we’ll hear from Rosemary soon πŸ™‚

  3. Thanks for sharing the excerpt – I’m going to check out your review now πŸ™‚

  4. Good Morning! Raining here in Michigan but hope your day is a sunny one. Thanks for this giveaway

    • Hi James. It’s sunny here today, but that’s following lots of rain. We needed the water, but it’s nice to have the sun back πŸ™‚