Harmony is Vocal again! Do you Have What it Takes? @Vocal_Creators #WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity

Hi everyone. After my amazing first-place win on the Vocal platform, I’ve written a short, motivational piece inspired by reader comments on my story Lifeboat Seven.

Wooden scrabble tiles say “fall seven times stand up eight”
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I’d love to know what you think! And would be delighted if you could read my submission HERE and leave a like. To like, you’ll need to sign in to Vocal, which is free to do. Your support would be gratefully received. Already, I’m super buzzed at a comment I’ve received within an hour of this going live.

Thanks, everyone! Hugs 🤗💕🙂



14 Comments on “Harmony is Vocal again! Do you Have What it Takes? @Vocal_Creators #WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity

  1. I loved both your post on self doubt and your winning story Harmony. I think you writing is aces, and your story took me right into the action. I could almost feel the fear of drowning. And the ending was superb. Not surprising you took first prize! <3

  2. Thanks for sharing this intimate post, Harmony. I’ve liked and commented {{hugs}}