I awoke as usual this morning, grabbed a cup of coffee, checked my emails, and then headed on over to twitter. What a surprise waited for me! 4Wills Publishing, who have helped to promote my last two books–Elemental Earth and …

Supporting Authors: The Religion, Rage & w(R)iting Blog Tour Read more »

Introducing … the one and only … Lisa Mauro! New Indie Author with her debut novel: The Place We Went to Yesterday. This one will touch the heartstrings, folks.   Which writers inspire you? I’m a big fan of Sylvia …

Supporting Authors … Drum Roll Please …. Read more »

Don’t Water the Marigolds is here! James Sinclair’s awesome second book, and his debut novel! Childless widow Deirdre is living a quiet and uncomplicated life. That is, until she makes the fateful decision to take in lodgers. Flighty Sharon and …

Don’t Water the Marigolds! Read more »

Cover Reveal! Authors: The Collective (composed of Da’Kharta Rising, Synful Desire, and Queen of Spades) A Short Story Anthology, Multi-Genre Anthology 28,990 Words Blurb:  Different colors of ink collide in this short story anthology Continuous Drips: Take a trip into …

Continuous Drips Read more »

Nicholas Rossis! An ebook will be winging its way to you very SOON! 🙂 Congratulations on being the only person to guess correctly. The answer was, “Quill Pen One”. The closest incorrect guesses came from Michelle Abbott, Monica (Queen of …

And the Winner is … Read more »