#BookReviews: She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubrica and Narrated by Andi Arndt @NetGalley

Hi everyone! Today, I have a review for an audiobook from an author new to me, Mary Kubrica. This is an easy listen with a great narrator, which I picked it up via NetGalley. Also from NetGalley is an ebook I didn’t enjoy, and I post the review so you can see what went so wrong with a story with great promise >>>

Review 1 …

About the AudioBook:

Audiobook cover of She's Not Sorry by Mary Kubrica and narrated by Andi Arndt

10 hours, 32 minutes

An ICU nurse accidentally uncovers a patient’s frightening past in this chilling thriller from theΒ New York TimesΒ bestselling author ofΒ Local Woman MissingΒ andΒ Just the Nicest Couple.

Meghan Michaels is trying to find balance between being a single mom to a teenage daughter and working as a full time nurse. While on duty at the hospital one day, a patient named Caitlin arrives in a coma with a traumatic brain injury, having jumped from a bridge and plunging over twenty feet to the train tracks below.Β 

But when a witness comes forward with shocking details about the fall, it calls everything they know into question. Was CaitlinΒ pushedΒ and if so, by whom and why?Β 

Meghan has always tried to stay emotionally detached from her patients, but this time, she mistakenly lets herself get too close until she’s deeply entangled in Caitlin’s and her family’s lives. Only when it’s too late, does she realize that she and her daughter could be the next victims.

My Review:


A slow first half but absolutely gripping for the remainder, with a brilliant narrator and smooth listen.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK Audio for this free Advance Review Copy ofΒ She’s Not SorryΒ byΒ Mary KubricaΒ and narrated byΒ Andi Arndt.

The premise hooked me and the audiobook cover had me held captive. It thrilled me when NetGalley and Harper Collins UK accepted me as an ARC reviewer.

The initial opening is interesting and draws you in. While the first half feels slow much of the time, it also brings in new information and offers bits and bobs which heighten the tension gradually. Then, roughly halfway through the listen, one big twist comes, and then lots follow in quick succession and the pace picks up immensely. From this point I just had to finish the listen.

The many and varied threads are tied up by the end, and the narrator is easy to listen to and great with the different voices. Though the ending is a little open, it’s not a cliffhanger and it left me satisfied enough.

I can’t give too much away because I don’t want to put in any accidental spoilers. Suffice it to say, this audiobook is well worth a listen, and is both soothing (with the narrator’s voice) and gripping. This listen gets a high four stars from me.

Review 2 …

About the Ebook:

How can you live with yourself when you find out the man you love is rotten to the core? Prepare to be hooked by Alice Hunter’s addictive new novel – so shocking it should come with a warning! Available to pre-order now. Trusted officer. Family man. Monster. Becky’s life has been shattered. When she discovered her husband, John – a policeman she once trusted – was a monster, she reported him. But it didn’t lead to any charges. Now, John lives freely with a new girlfriend and her daughter – while Becky battles guilt for missing the obvious signs. Determined for justice, Becky confronts John. But he targets her. He wants her silenced – and at any cost. And now, survival is the only option because he’s not the only bad apple lurking in the shadows… A gripping psychological suspense about betrayal, courage, and the darkness that can hide behind a seemingly trustworthy faΓ§ade. Perfect for fans of The Doctor’s Wife , Suspects and the Netflix hit TV series You.

My Review:


2.5 rounded up to 3.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Avonbooks UK for this free advance review copy of the ebookΒ Bad AppleΒ byΒ Alice Hunter.

Great premise let down by poor execution

‘She shouldn’t be driving. The roads were narrow, unfamiliar; each bend took her by surprise as it appeared like magic through the ominous entrails of mist hanging a few feet from the ground.’Β This opening paragraph shows the tension, which only mounts as the story goes on.

Unfortunately many errors spoil what would otherwise have been an absolute gem of a book. As you can see with the opening quote, the author uses some wonderful descriptions at times which enrich the narrative, such as the use of ‘ominous entrails of mist’ rather than a simple ‘the mist’. When I read the opening page, I felt sure this would be a 5-star read, especially with the brilliant and topical story premise.

However, scene shifts occur throughout the book, as do passive writing, clumsy sentence structures, and misspellings. At one point, I found myself asking if the book had even seen an editor. [Reviewer’s note: any errors I discovered in the PDF on Kindle, I also double checked in the better formatted version on the NetGalley shelf to ensure it wasn’t down to the format of the PDF.]

Two examples of a good and a poor …

The good:Β ‘Grief has a habit of knocking on the door again, […]’

The poor:Β ‘[…] though this is a TV show and the viewer has pressed paused on the remote.’Β The pertinent change needed here is to swap ‘paused’ for ‘pause’. Sadly, many more examples abound.

Another thing that had me roll my eyes and complain aloud quite a few times was a plot hole around the use of the main character’s mobile phone. Time and again she questioned whether other people’s phones were bugged or had trackers installed but she never, not once, questioned her own. And if I missed an instance where she did, then most definitely she didn’t check it or change it. The continual overlooking of this basic yet crucial plot point drove me nuts and, along with the other issues, ruined the read for me.

I so wanted to love this book, and the idea is a good one as well as being important and topical. The pacing slowed again and again, and repetitions grew boring, and then there are the wonderful phrases and spot-on observations of human foibles which make this an otherwise great read.


NOTE ON RATINGS:Β  I consider a 3-star rating a positive review. Picky about which books I give 5 stars to, I reserve this highest rating for the stories I find stunning and which moved me.



4 STARS: I WOULD PULL AN ALL-NIGHTER β€” Go read this book.

3 STARS: IT WAS GOOD! β€” An okay read.Β  Didn’t love it. Didn’t hate it.Β 

2 STARS: I MAY HAVE LIKED A FEW THINGS β€”Lacking in some areas: writing, characterisation, and/or problematic plot lines.

1 STAR: NOT MY CUP OF TEA β€”Lots of issues with this book.


I’d love to hear what you think of these reviews. Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you soon πŸ™‚


For anyone interested, here are the Amazon links …

She’s Not Sorry:

UK … https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08R8XRTB2/

US … https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08R8XRTB2/


Bad Apple (to be released 9th May 2024):

UK … https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08R8XRTB2/

US … https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08R8XRTB2/

Eye Update:

My eye op went well last Tuesday, and I’m continuing to recover. So if some of my responses to your comments are delayed a tad, please understand I’m getting to you as soon as possible and am so grateful for your visit and taking the time to read and comment. Hugs to you all πŸ€—πŸ’•

28 Comments on “#BookReviews: She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubrica and Narrated by Andi Arndt @NetGalley

  1. She’s Not Sorry” sounds like a book worth picking up, Harmony. The premise sounds interesting and though it starts on the slow side, that’s good news that the second half speeds up. Thanks for the recommendation. And I hope you’re doing well and having a good spring. Hugs.

    • Thanks so much, Diana, and all good wishes your way, too. Hugs πŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  2. HI Harmony, I hope your eye operation has gone well. Thank you for these two reviews. The first one sounds very good. It’s a pity about the second book being so disappointing.

    • Thanks, Robbie! The eye surgery seems to have been a success. Still early days though, but I’m happy so far. Yes, we need publishers to use editors as they used to πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  3. So happy to hear your eye op went well Harmony. Nice to see you pop by. And I always love your reviews – the good and the bad. I’ve read quite a few books from Netgalley, and I have to say half of what I read I couldn’t finish and wouldn’t review for reason you mention here for Bad Apple. It really makes me question – where are the editors? Hugs xx

    • I think they’re just putting stuff out there and cutting right back on the editing, etc. A real shame, as this could have been a gem of a read.
      Thanks for your kind words, Debby. Hugs πŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  4. Thank goodness, your eye operation was a success. I’m relieved for you, Harmony. As for the reviews, both books seem to have possibilities, but with my packed Kindle, I doubt I will be adding either of them. ❀️

    • Yes, I think mine’s running out of space πŸ˜‚ Thank so much, Gwen. Hugs πŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  5. So glad you’re back and the surgery went well, Harmony! I read one by Kubrica and enjoyed it, but can’t remember what it was at the moment. Sorry the second one didn’t work for you.

    • Yes, I’ll have to check out more of Kubrica’s work. Thanks, Teri πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  6. It’s great to see a post from you, Harmony! Hope all is well. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on both books. It’s a pity the second book had so many errors as it sounds like a potentially good story. Take care!

    • Thanks so much, Jan. Lots going on but I’m getting there. I take the energy when I can get it. Congratulations on your new release. I hope you have much success! πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  7. I’m so glad the eye operation went well, Harmony! Prayers for your continued healing. It’s nice to see you posting reviews again,

    She’s Not Sorry has been on my reading radar. I haven’t tried audio books yet, but have been considering the possibility more these days. It’s nice the option is there when necessity warrants it.

    Too bad about the second book. I’m sure you stuck with it because it came from NG. Hopefully, your next will be better.

    • Fingers crossed I choose better next time. Due to my eyes and fatigue issues, I’ve had to teach my brain to get along with audio books, which I now enjoy immensely.

      Thanks for your lovely words, Mae. Hugs πŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  8. Hi, Harmony! I’m so glad your eye surgery went well. I just put “She’s Not Sorry” on my wish list! 🩷🌷🌺

  9. I’m glad your eye operation went well. Sorry, that e-book wasn’t up to snuff. It seems like a traditional publisher could invest in an editor and if they had, one that knew their business. Thnks for sharing your reviews, Harmony.

  10. Great reviews, Harmony! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

    Sending you well wishes and virtual hugs!!

    • Thanks so much, Mar. Greatly appreciated. Hugs πŸ’•πŸ™‚πŸ€—

  11. Hi Harmony
    The audiobook sounds great and the other a nightmare Thank you for the tip-offs about both.
    So pleased you’re eye op went well and you’re back, but don’t overdo it!
    Love and hugs, Sarah

    • Planning to be online today and then back off again, lols. Thanks so much, Sarah. Love and hugs πŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ˜Š

  12. You’re a very honest reviewer Harmony, it’s good to know a book’s faults as well as whether it has a good plot line.Somtimes you can gloss over the bad, Sometimes not.
    I’m so happy to hear the eye-op went well and you’re on the road to recovery.You’ve had more than your fair share of Life’s Blips so I hope they’re over now.

    Massive Hugs as always

    • Thanks so much, David. Everything crossed! I could do with a break now and again, lols. I hope you’re doing okay my friend. Hugs πŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ˜Š

    • Thanks so much, Priscilla. Yep, I was so sad about the ebook, but the audio was an easy and enthralling listen … I didn’t fall asleep πŸ€£πŸ’•πŸ˜Š