The Pact

From Don Massenzio’s Stock Photo Challenge

Beer Bottles Clinking Together
The Rules:

Write a story, poem or other type of prose of 100 words or less and post it on your blog.
Leave the link to this post on Don’s blog comments.

About to make my third billion, the news came.

Terminal cancer. Unacceptable.

I set up an urgent meet. Instead of shaking on it, we clinked beer bottles. He’d have as much control as me. Deal done.

What could go wrong?

So focused on wording my request for eternal life carefully, I forgot to stipulate that my body lived as long as my mind. The deterioration set in before I reached my apartment. Damn. Now what?

Using the power he’d just bequeathed me, I summoned him.

I stared at the devil’s fiery eyes and said, β€˜Equal control. I die, you die.’

That’s my effort in exactly 100 words. I’d love to know if you enjoyed it.

Β©HarmonyKent 2019

12 Comments on “The Pact

    • Thanks, Craig. I can’t express how happy I am to read that you never saw the twist coming! 😊

  1. That was a great twist. I loved it. You have to be careful what you wish for. This shows exactly what happens when you dont.

    • Thanks, Michele. I’m so thrilled you liked the twist 😊 And thanks again for sharing!

    • Thanks, Staci! Delighted you enjoyed the twist. That was a challenge getting it into 100 words 😊