#TANKATUESDAY Weekly #POETRYCHALLENGE #284 #SpecificForm: 4-11 @ColleenCheseboro @gmplano @YvetteMCalleiro

Hi everyone! πŸ™‚

Today, I’ve joined Colleen’s weekly TankaTuesday challenge, which asks for us to create a syllabic poem based on a specific form. This week, Yvette M Calleiro chose the new form of 4-11 created by Gwen Plano.

The 4-11 poetic form has 11 lines of 4 syllables each, and the first line repeats on the last line. I’ve taken the liberty of repeating the first 2 lines.

You can find Colleen’s post HERE.

Here’s my take on a 4-11.


Old man on parched earth with clock and flooding sea
Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay


100 Seconds to Midnight



Has it arrived?

Wild fires rage

Water runs out

Sun boils bodies

Tempers flare hot

Out of control

Man’s arrogance

Mother NatureΒ 

Has it arrived?


Today’s poem can be read from bottom to top as well as top to bottom. Despite its doomsday references, I hope you enjoyed today’s poetry. Have a lovely day! πŸ™‚


Β© Harmony Kent 2022


52 Comments on “#TANKATUESDAY Weekly #POETRYCHALLENGE #284 #SpecificForm: 4-11 @ColleenCheseboro @gmplano @YvetteMCalleiro

  1. Harmony, this is an excellent take on Gwen’s form. I love the repeating of the question. It drives it home! Now, I also think this is a valid assumption based on world events. Let us hope that all of this turmoil calms down soon. πŸ’œ

    • Thanks so much, Willow. Yep, with everything happening, it sure feels that way! πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  2. These thoughts are on a lot of minds right now, Harmony. It does feel as if climate change is happening a lot faster than was expected.

  3. I love this, Harmony! I hope this isn’t what we are seeing but sometimes I do wonder

  4. Oh my God! I hope we don’t live to see all that though the consequences of man’s arrogance is before us in many forms. Well-articulated Harmony.

  5. Seems so apt for the present times! I love how you conveyed the sense of foreboding and doom in a few words. I like it very much, Harmony. β€οΈπŸ™‚

  6. An intense poem, Harmony. There does seem to be an increase in general chaos. Everything feels slippery these days. You captured that well. Let’s hope that things don’t have to get a whole lot worse before humankind makes a shift.

    • Sadly, so many of us around the globe are experiencing the same thing. Thanks, Joan πŸ’•πŸ™‚