#TANKATUESDAY Weekly #POETRYCHALLENGE #279 #TasteTheRainbow #weather @ColleenChesebro #TankaProse

Hi everyone! 🙂

Today, I’ve joined Colleen’s weekly TankaTuesday challenge, which asks for us to create a syllabic poem based on ‘Taste the Rainbow’ and ‘Weather’.

You can find Colleen’s post HERE.


I have chosen a Senryu verse with a difference. I wanted to experiment with splitting each line in half … one more human and in the style of Senryu, and the other half more of nature and in the style of Haiku. Try reading the first half only, then the second half only, and also reading each line backward, before putting it all together.

Yellow and brown bruised clouds with stained sun in middle
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


Colour of bruises—grim clouds

Tears pour—summer rain

Smile heals hurt—jaded sunshine


I hope you enjoyed today’s poetry. Have a lovely day! 🙂


Also, if you missed my Vocal post yesterday, you can find it HERE 


© Harmony Kent 2022


40 Comments on “#TANKATUESDAY Weekly #POETRYCHALLENGE #279 #TasteTheRainbow #weather @ColleenChesebro #TankaProse

  1. Reminds me of the physical (that you can see) and the emotional (which you can’t see) bruises… Life is full of them.

  2. A moment of words that I connected to, Harmony. Beautiful.

  3. A brilliant display of emotions shown in these few words, Harmony!

  4. This is brilliantly done, Harmony. Is it along the line of Cleave Poetry? I read it recently on Arti Jain’s blog.

    • Thanks so much, Sonia. I haven’t come across Cleave poetry before, but I’ll be sure to check out Arti Jain’s post. 💕🙂