Harmony Kent has entered Vocal’s Time Travel short story competition. If you could go back in time to change history, what would you do?

Inspired by Time … Hi everyone. While I should have been sleeping through the wee small hours of Monday into Tuesday …   though waked and in pain early morn poetic muse gifted eight haiku   So, silver linings and …

Harmony is Vocal! #Haiku in @Vocal_Creators #Poetry inspired by #time #challenge #WritingCommunity #poetsoftwitter #poetrylovers Read more »

Hi everyone! 🙂 Today, I’ve joined Colleen’s weekly TankaTuesday challenge, which asks for any syllabic form based on a photo prompt. You can find Colleen’s post HERE. Diana Peach chose this week’s image … I’ve chosen an inverted Etheree as …

#TANKATUESDAY Weekly #POETRYCHALLENGE #261 #PhotoPrompt @SyllabicPoetry @ColleenChesebro #Etheree Read more »