Harmony is Vocal! The Sound of Silence in @Vocal_Creators #poem #challenge #poetrylovers #Tanka #Meditation

The Sound of Silence …

The Sound of Silence

Hi everyone. I’ve written a poem made up of three Tanka verses for Vocal’s Uncommon Challenge. Vocal’s criteria for this poetic challenge is to: “Write a poem about something rare.”

You can find my short poem HERE.


I’d love to know what you think! And I would be delighted if you could read and heart! To heart and/or comment, you’ll need to sign in to Vocal, which is free to do.

Thanks for all your support! Hugs 🤗💕🙂 

30 Comments on “Harmony is Vocal! The Sound of Silence in @Vocal_Creators #poem #challenge #poetrylovers #Tanka #Meditation

    • Thanks so much, Priscilla. Your description of hubster and you and the sunset is lovely! 💕🙂

    • Fantastic! Thanks so much, Diana. Yep, it definitely needs to warm up! 💕🙂

  1. The line about hearing the unspoken is SO true! I often have deeper thoughts when it is quiet around me (and when I quiet the jumbled thoughts, lol). Beautiful poem, Harmony!