Harmony is on tour! Day 5

Hi everyone. I released my latest novel, The Vanished Boy, this weekend and this week I’m on tour! Today, I’m with Craig Boyack. I’d be delighted if you came to visit …


Craig’s blog: https://coldhandboyack.wordpress.com/2021/04/16/the-vanished-boy-newbook/

A little bit about Craig, a fellow author and friend … “I’m on the verge of being an empty nester, and I like to write fiction. I have a decent body of work on Amazon, and I hope you’ll check some of them out. They are all speculative fiction, but seem to stay closest to science fiction, paranormal, and fantasy.

I have other interests that may sneak in from time to time. I like the great outdoors and all it has to offer. Morels and huckleberrys are particularly fun. I once caught and released a 7 foot white sturgeon from the Snake River.”


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