Friday Fun

Hi everyone. TGI it’s Friday!!! I don’t know about you, but I’m well ready for the weekend.

Yesterday, I had a lengthy hospital appointment to chat with my orthopaedic consultant. The upshot of the epic clinic time is that I am now on a waiting list for a full hip replacement. Which, due to the pain I am in and the limits to my already limited mobility, is good news. I’m not looking forward to it, but it seems to be my only option at this stage. The waiting list could be anything from 3 to 6 months. I’ll keep you all informed.

Anyhooo … the funny bit comes from yesterday when hubby and I were getting ready to leave the house for the hospital … (apologies to my Story Empire buddies who have seen this already, lol) …

Me: Alexa, turn off music … (it all goes quiet) …

husband (pretending to be Alexa): why? …

me: because we’re going out …

husband (still pretending to be Alexa): can I come with you? …

me: no



Honestly, we can be a silly pair at times!


And in other BIG news … drum roll please …

Oh Baubles went on sale today!!!

While I’m mega excited, I’m also terrified. I always am, no matter how many books I publish, lol.

If you’d like to take a look, here’s the universal link to the book:

18 Comments on “Friday Fun

  1. I think you are going to like your new hip when you get it. My knee is terrific. It takes dedication to physical therapy, but in the end, so much better. Best wishes on Baubles. I bought it on the presale. Hope the wait isn’t too long.

    • That sounds good about your knee … here’s hoping! Thanks so much for pre-ordering Oh Baubles and for your well wishes, John πŸ™‚

  2. Congratulations about your book, Harmony. My mother has had both hips replaced and so has my aunt. They are both doing ever so well now. I hope it doesn’t take to long.

  3. I hope the surgery wait isnt long and it all goes smoothly for you. Glad you have someone to be silly with to get through it. I just read “Baubles.” Perfect holiday read.

    • Yeah, the humour definitely helps. Oh, wow, that’s fantastic, Denise. So delighted you enjoyed it! πŸ™‚

  4. The Alexa story still cracks me up. Hope the wait isn’t long, and the result is worth it.

    • He’s such a comedian. I’ve said so many times that he should be a writer too. Thanks, Priscilla 😊

  5. Love the Alexa story! Wishing you all the best for your upcoming surgery.

    My pre-ordered copy of Baubles arrived this morning. Looking forward to a nice weekend red.

    • That’s fantastic, Joan! Thanks so much for pre-ordering. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it 😊

  6. Good luck, Harmony. Hip replacements are fantastic, so I hope you don’t have to wait too long.
    I’ve bought the book. Maybe I’ll get time over Christmas to read it!!!

    • That’s fantastic, Sarah. Thank you so much! Fingers crossed for a settled and relaxed Christmas πŸ™‚