#BookReviews: Goodbye Old Paint (The Hat #7) by C.S. Boyack @Virgilante and Deep in the Forest Where Poetry Blooms: Just Her Poetry Book Two by D.L. Finn @dlfinnauthor #Fiction #GoodReads #Kindle

Hi everyone. Today I have two book reviews for you by authors who are some of my faves: C S Boyack and D L Finn Here are my reviews >>>

About the Book:

Lizzie and the hat haven’t been as careful as they think. When the FBI comes knocking, they know all about their nighttime pursuits.

Who even knew we had a Geospatial Intelligence Agency? This obscure part of the intelligence community has a problem that requires a special skillset. Lizzie and the hat are tasked with ridding the intelligence server farm of a gremlin infestation. They’re ill prepared for this one, because .357 magnum revolvers are designed to deal with larger and hairier problems.

The Feds aren’t giving Lizzie much chance to weasel out of the assignment, and they reluctantly accept the job. Lizzie faces some unique trials and has to make new friends to get through the assignment, and avoid a debilitating curse at the same time.

It’s been a hard road for Lizzie during this series, and she’s due for a couple of small upgrades. These are solo titles in a larger series, and you should be able to read any individual one without feeling lost. The series is dark humor at its base, but this one tends a little more toward the humor.


My Review:


A fun, entertaining, and thoroughly enjoyable read

Though I haven’t read all the books of this series, and often the one’s I have read aren’t in order, I enjoy each and every one. While this is book 7 of The Hat series, it works well as a stand alone novel. I’m sure I would have had much fun with revisiting old characters and other shenanigans had I read all of them, but still this book stands out on its own.

I love the story premise of a Government Agency having a problem with Gremlins. I’ll say no more on that to avoid spoilers.

Here are some lines/paragraphs I loved …

‘“Our weapons are unsuited to this job, but we have to do it anyway. It’s like cleaning your bathroom with a fork. Good for what it’s intended for, but not much else.”’

And …

‘The glop slowly reversed course, like a slug making an about-face. “What the hell is that?” the hat asked. “My sourdough starter. I just fed him, so he’s feeling frisky.”’I found this so hilarious and freaking inventive!

And …

‘”I’m nice, see. I’m practically smiling.” He curled his brim upward.’

For pure entertainment value and lots of laughs and imaginative quirks, Goodbye Old Paintgets 5 stars from me. If you love a quick, fun read, then this book is for you!

About the Book:

Embark on a captivating journey with D. L. Finn as she guides you through the intricate landscapes of free verse and symbolic poetry. Hike with her through the magical forest, feel the wind on your face riding on the back of a Harley, or bask on the warm Hawaiian shores. Her search for life’s magic invites the reader to traverse through the four seasons in part one. Emotions, observations, and stories weave through part two’s texture. Whether the words explore a sunset, healing, or magic, each poem flows through moments where poetry blooms.

My Review:


A captivating collection of poetry to take you through forest, the ocean’s depths, & riding a Harley

So many of these poems touched me. Some are full of sadness, others hope, and yet more are on the fun, whimsical side of life, but all enjoyable. So many stood out for me, it’s difficult to highlight just a few. Here are some of the titles of these wonderful poems:

Safe, Muses, Peek, Gratitude, Encounter, Oak Branch, Puddles, Emerging, The Beginning, My Magic, Goodbye, Life’s Song, and–finally, but not all,–As the Sun Sets. Such a short list from a most enticing selection. Below are a few lines that struck me in particular:

‘FROM GRATITUDE: My strawberry plants stretch out like a slow summer yawn.’


‘FROM OAK BRANCH: The tree branch dangles like a child’s loose tooth.’


FROM AS THE SUN SETS: … nature’s artistry |awakens my stagnant soul | inspiration flows

It pains me to stop there. You have to read this book. Then read it again. And then some more. Honestly, this is a collection of poems to revisit and dip into as each season assaults or inspires. Deep in the Forest Where Poetry Blooms gets a solid five stars from me.


NOTE ON RATINGS: I consider a 3-star rating a positive review. Picky about which books I give 5 stars to, I reserve this highest rating for the stories I find stunning and which moved me.

4 STARS: I WOULD PULL AN ALL-NIGHTER — Go read this book.
3 STARS: IT WAS GOOD! — An okay read. Didn’t love it. Didn’t hate it.
2 STARS: I MAY HAVE LIKED A FEW THINGS —Lacking in some areas: writing, characterisation, and/or problematic plot lines.
1 STAR: NOT MY CUP OF TEA —Lots of issues with this book.

For anyone interested, here are the universal Amazon links …

Goodbye Old Paint: a-fwd.com/asin=B076VWBYGZ

Deep in the Forest Where Poetry Blooms: a-fwd.com/asin=B076VWBYGZ

I’d love to hear what you think of these reviews. Thanks for stopping by 😊


***Due to limited energy and time, I will be taking a break from publishing review posts for the foreseeable future. Thank you for following my reviews all this time! Now and then, I will post a review for any authors in my online circle, but won’t be reviewing traditionally published books. I’ll pop in from time to time with updates and teasers on my planned projects. Hugs, Harmony 🤗💕😊


23 Comments on “#BookReviews: Goodbye Old Paint (The Hat #7) by C.S. Boyack @Virgilante and Deep in the Forest Where Poetry Blooms: Just Her Poetry Book Two by D.L. Finn @dlfinnauthor #Fiction #GoodReads #Kindle

  1. Congrats to Craig and Denise for your wonderful reviews Harmony. I look forward to reading both these books. 🙂 <3

  2. I’m looking forward to Craig’s new book and enjoyed Denise’s poetry. Great reviews, Harmony!

  3. Fantastic reviews, Harmony! I’ve read both of these and can heartily add my recommendation for them. While they are vastly different, each is so good. Congratulations to Craig and Denise! Thank you for sharing.

    • I couldn’t agree more, Jan! They both deserve all the high stars they can get 💕🙂

  4. Thank you, Harmony. Still doing my happpy dance through the forest from your review. I loved Craig’s story too! Xo hugs

    • Ooh, I love the vision of you dancing through the forest, Denise!! 🤗💕🙂💃

  5. Goodbye Old Paint got my attention with that great cover. Who wouldn’t be drawn to that car! I’ve read Denise’s poetry–winner every time.

  6. What an honor to stand here with Denise. Glad you enjoyed the book and got a laugh or two.

  7. I’ve read Denise’s collection. It was wonderful. Wasn’t it cool that some of the poems she wrote underwater?!

    I haven’t read Craig’s book yet, but it sounds great!

    • I’m always in awe when Denise writes poetry underwater and on the back of the Harley!
      Craig’s book is genius imagination and fun.
      Thanks, Vera 💕😊