#TANKATUESDAY Weekly #POETRYCHALLENGE #262 #ThemePrompt @SyllabicPoetry @ColleenChesebro #Haiku

Hi everyone! 🙂

Today, I’ve joined Colleen’s weekly TankaTuesday challenge, which asks for any syllabic form based on a theme prompt.

Ken Gierke (Rivrvlogr) from last month’s challenge picked the theme:


You can find Colleen’s post HERE.

I’ve chosen a set of four Haiku with a syllable count of 3-5-3 for each. Haiku are not titled.

Sun comes late

Lights lit all day long

Shifts each week


Bulbs flower

Nights shrink from onslaught

Then comes heat


Scorched dry earth

Lush green becomes brown

Leaves yellow


Orange hue

Heralds shortened days

Sun comes late


I hope you enjoyed this set of four Haiku.

Have a lovely day! 🙂


© Harmony Kent 2022


44 Comments on “#TANKATUESDAY Weekly #POETRYCHALLENGE #262 #ThemePrompt @SyllabicPoetry @ColleenChesebro #Haiku

  1. Harmony, this is an amazing haiku series of the four seasons. I enjoyed this so much. This was lovely and a great way to show the transition of time between each season. <3

    • Fantastic! Thanks so much, Denise. I loved how that came together for me. I felt it brought the transitions and cycles into a closed circle that just seemed to fit 💕🙂

  2. This is a lovely set of haikus, Harmony. You have inspired me to write a poem for this theme.

    • Fantastic! I look forward to seeing what you create. Thanks, Robbie 💕🙂