Book review from Harmony Kent for The Stallion and his Peculiar Boy by M J Evans. BookRoar reviews. 3.5 stars. An intriguing historical read about world war II and Hitler and stolen horses, as well as a boy with autism

Book review from Harmony Kent for Lion Scream by Robbie Cheadle. 3.5 stars. A gripping collection of 99-syllable poems and essays with photos and videos.

Hi everyone. Today I have a book review for you from an author new to me, Kaira Rouda. Here’s my review >>> About the Book: A husband with secrets. A wife with no limits. A riveting novel of marriage, privilege, …

#BookReview: The Widow by Kaira Rouda @KairaRouda Read more »

Hi everyone. Today, I have a book review for an author I’ve known and loved for a long time, Jan Sikes, with her short story, Brother’s Keeper. Jan always comes up with some wonderful story premises that truly put her …

#BookReview: Brother’s Keeper by Jan Sikes @JanSikes3 Read more »