River of Tears and Imposter Syndrome: Two poems from Harmony via @Vocal_Creators #poetry #life #pain #self-esteem

River of Tears and Imposter Syndrome

Hi everyone. I’ve written two poems on Vocal, one another short, acrostic poem, based on the word DISTRACTION. And a second, free verse poem, which takes an emotional look at the cyclic nature of life and suffering,

You can find my entries below. Vocal estimates these as a 1-minute reads.

River of Tears




River of Tears






Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome



I’d love to know what you think! And I would be delighted if you could read and heart. To heart and/or comment, you’ll need to sign in to Vocal, which is free to do.

Thanks for all your support! Hugs 🤗💕🙂 

8 Comments on “River of Tears and Imposter Syndrome: Two poems from Harmony via @Vocal_Creators #poetry #life #pain #self-esteem

    • Thanks so much, Christy. Your words and shares mean the world to me! 💕😊

  1. Powerful poems, Harmony. They both hit deep into one’s heart. ❤️