#NewBook: The Last Drive by John Howell @HowellWave #ParanormalFiction #MysteryThriller

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. It gives me immense pleasure to welcome friend, author, blogger, and fellow Story Empire contributor to my place today so he can tell us all about his latest book! Grab your favourite beverage and snack and sink into a comfy seat while John shares his good news 😁 …Β 

Book Cover for The Last Drive by John Howell showing a dirt road leading to the sea and distant horizonI am so pleased to be with you today, Harmony. I want to thank you for helping to spread the word about The Last Drive. As a writer, editor, and poet I can imagine you have had some works more or less sneak up on you. This book could be labelled the surprise. I had no intention of writing a sequel to Eternal Road. In fact, I pretty much put the thought out of my head until the characters started calling me collect with story ideas. So, what is an author to do but give in to the demands of those who were created in the author’s imagination in the first place. Yes, I gave in and the end result is what we are discussing today.Β [Oh, yes! I can sympathise all too well with those pesky characters who refuse to leave you in peace. I have to confess, I’m delighted they pestered you!]

Here is the blurb and then we can get to a short excerpt from the book.

The Blurb:

In the sequel to Eternal Road – The final stop, Sam and James are reunited to look for two souls, Ryan and Eddie. Ryan was killed in Afghanistan, trying to avoid a schoolyard with his crippled plane. Eddie Rickenbacker, Ryan’s hero, is to guide Ryan to his Eternal Home, and now both are missing.

The higher-ups believe that there has been some interference in Ryan and Eddie’s journey by Lucifer, so Sam and James have the task of finding Ryan and Eddie to get them back on the road despite the evil interference. Unfortunately, the machinations designed to prevent Ryan and Eddy from completing their journey take the pair to horrifying testing grounds. The places visited represent the best work of the Devil. They are the trenches of World War I in France, gladiators at the Roman Coliseum, the sinking Titanic in 1912, Hiroshima 45 minutes before the bomb, and the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1943.

This book is for you if you like plenty of action, strong characters, time travel, and a touch of spiritual and historical fiction. So, join Sam and James as they try to find the missing souls while staying one step ahead of the Prince of Darkness, who is determined to destroy all that is good.

Book banner for The Last Drive by John Howell showing coffee in mug, mobile phone, and print copy of The Last Drive

An Excerpt:


The Archangel waves his hand. β€œWhatever. The important point is Ryan and the guide disappeared from that game, and we have not heard from either since.”

β€œThat game happened in sixty-seven. It could be the two are still in that year.”

The Archangel folds his hands and lays them on his lap. β€œI need you to go there, Sam, and try to locate the guide and Captain Sanders.”

β€œWho’s the guide? Do I know him?”

β€œI’m not sure you do. His name is Rickenbacker.”

Sam stands. β€œEddie Rickenbacker? The famous airman?”

β€œYes, I believe so.” The Archangel shuffles through the papers again. β€œYes, it is Eddie Rickenbacker. Sanders had a hero-worship thing about Rickenbacker, so we selected him to escort Ryan down the Eternal Road. I hope Eddie is not the problem.”

Sam settles back into her chair. β€œNo, I’m sure he’s not the issue. Eddie would make a good guide. Lucifer is behind this.”


Sam sits forward. β€œMay I speak my mind, Sir?”

β€œOf course, my child.”

β€œI’m surprised God and yourself don’t keep track of this kind of thing.”


Book Trailer:



Buy Links

The Last Drive is available in paper and Kindle editions on Amazon. Here are the universal links. The Kindle edition is on sale for 99Β’ through mid-February.


Kindle https://mybook.to/FYmkKr


Paper https://mybook.to/BCsWV


About the Author:

Author photo of John Howell

John is an award-winning author who after an extensive business career began writing full time in 2012. His specialty is thriller fiction novels, but John also writes poetry and short stories. He has written Six other books that are on Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions.

John lives in Lakeway, Texas with his wife and their spoiled rescue pets.


Author links:

Blog Fiction Favorites http://johnwhowell.com/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/john.howell.98229241

Twitter – https://www.twitter.com/HowellWave

Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7751796.John_W_Howell

Amazon Author’s page – https://www.amazon.com/author/johnwhowell

BookBub –Β https://www.bookbub.com/profile/john-w-howell


Eternal Road Buy links:


Kindle Universal linkΒ Β mybook.to/EternalRoad

Paper universal linkΒ mybook.to/Eternalroadpaper

Thanks for telling us all about your latest book, John! We wish you every success with your launch and tour.

If you haven’t read any of John’s books yet, you need to 😁 He’s won a few awards, just to entice you a bit more–wink, wink–and I highly recommend his novels.

Thanks for stopping by today and supporting John. Hugs πŸ€—πŸ™‚πŸ’•


65 Comments on “#NewBook: The Last Drive by John Howell @HowellWave #ParanormalFiction #MysteryThriller

  1. Sorry I’m so late to the part, John & Harmony, but I’m here now. I’ll just grab a quick Earl Grey with which to toast your latest book, John, and then tweet this out into the world for others who may have missed it. Super post, and best wishes for great success!! πŸ˜€ <3

    • Thanks, Priscilla. I love how John brings in familiar people and history into these stories πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  2. Great to see you on Harmony’s blog, John. These little teasers you’ve been sharing are tempting me to move The Last Drive up on my TBR list, lol

  3. Thanks for hosting John, Harmony. I finished the book a few days ago and need to get my review done. A fascinating and worthwhile read for sure. Congrats to John.

  4. I don’t know how I let it slip past me, but I missed this post yesterday. Sharing it now and wishing John a ton of success with this book launch! Thank you for hosting, Harmony!

    • I had β€˜a day’ yesterday, so I totally get it, lols. Thanks for your support and good wishes, Jan πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  5. Congratulations, John, on your new book release. It sounds my kind of read. I suppose I should read the first one before it,though.

  6. Congrats to John on his latest release. Looks like an exciting read. I know this book is a sequel, just wondering if the book could also be a standalone read? Hugs <3

    • It could be a standalone for sure; although I believe you’d enjoy it more with the background to the two main characters you get from book one. Thanks, Debby. Hugs πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  7. I’m glad the characters pestered you to write another book! It was a good one πŸ™‚ I had the same issues with mine, only intending to write one. I guess our characters know best πŸ˜‰

    Thanks for hosting, Harmony!

  8. Thanks for helping spread the word about John’s book, Harmony. I am currently reading it, so I skipped the snippet, but I wish him all the best. I understand the call from friends, readers and characters, John. Some stories just have to be told. Planned or not, I am enjoying this one.

  9. Another excellent tour stop for John’s latest release. I thoroughly enjoyed The Last Drive. I’m so glad John’s characters nagged for a sequel!

    Congratulations, John, and thanks for hosting today, Harmony!

  10. I’ve had that experience (of characters refusing to let go). Glad to see you ran with it, John. Best wishes.

    Harmony, thanks for hosting.

  11. John, I’ve had those characters call out to me as well. The result was a book series. I’m enjoying The Last Drive.

    Thanks for hosting, Harmony.

  12. Looks like you and John are up early this morning. Wonderful presentation for John’s newest.

  13. I’m about three-quarters of the way through The Last Drive. Old Lucifer is being particularly evil with the moral dilemmas he’s torturing our four souls with.

  14. Hi Harmony, a lovely post, tanks for hosting John. I started this book last night.

  15. Congratulations, John, on your latest book. I wish you much success. Thank you, Harmony, for hosting John today. Hugs to you both. πŸ€—

  16. Thank you for hosting me today, Harmony. I appreciate you helping spread the word about The Last Drive. I know it takes extra effort to post, comment, and be as good a host as you are. All you have to do as an author, editor, and blogger makes your contribution even more valuable. πŸ€—