#NewBook Redemption: A Father’s Fateful Decision by Gwen M Plano @gmplano #Thriller #Suspense

Gwen Plano's books

Hi everyone. Today, it gives me great pleasure to welcome fellow author, poet, Story Empire contributor, friend, and kindred spirit, Gwen Plano for a visit so she can share her fantastic news. Gwen has a new book! So, grab your beverage of choice and a snack, and sit back and relax while Gwen tells us all about Redemption >>>

Thank you, Harmony, for inviting me to visit today. Traveling across the planet to chat with a dear friend about my latest book is exciting. Hopefully, weโ€™ll someday meet in person. [That would be so fantastic!] Till then, hereโ€™s a bit about this story.

It takes place in the Southeast corner of New York state, in the towns of New Rochelle and Cortlandt. The characters drive to Old Lyme, Connecticut, on occasion, but for the most part, the drama is in New York. Having spent about twenty years in and around that area, it was exciting to visit as a writer.

Map of New York

The book tackles themes of forgiveness and redemption through the mechanism of a family thriller. What does it mean to forgive when weโ€™ve been deeply hurt? Is it possible for the culprit to be redeemed? What does that even mean? How do we create our future if we have an unresolved past?

Sometimes complicated situations help us see our own challenges in a different light. That is my hope for this book. Most of us wonโ€™t experience threats like those of my characters, but pain is pain, just as joy is joy. One may be more obvious than the otherโ€”but not less impactful.

In the excerpt below, the premonition of the protagonist, Lisa Holmes, sets the stage for the unfolding mystery.

Graphic with excerpt text for Redemption, showing book cover.


The simple ranch-style residence appears odd on the street of two-story colonials. Modest by neighborhood standards, it has proven sufficient for their family needs. Once out of the car, Lisa does a 180-degree glance about and concludes nothing has changed. The yard still appears unkempt, the window shade still broken, and the screen door remains tornโ€”all just as a year ago, two years ago, maybe even five years ago.

Apprehensive, she climbs the three steps to the front door, calls in her โ€œhello,โ€ and waits. Mom greets her first.

โ€œOh, Lisa dear, Iโ€™m so happy youโ€™ve arrived safely. Come on in, come on in. Can I get you something? You must be hungry after the drive.โ€

Just as she starts to respond, her dad appears.

โ€œNice of you to visit. Traffic problems?โ€

Lisa shrugs off his insinuation of dawdling, takes a deep breath, and gives him a cursory hug.

โ€œIโ€™ll be right back. I need to get my clothes.โ€

Slump-shouldered, Lisa walks to her car, stepping more heavily than usual. After grabbing her suitcase, she slams the door shut. The hell has begun.

She retraces her steps back into the house and goes straight to her childhood bedroom. Just then, the doorbell rings and sends an eerie chill down Lisaโ€™s spine. She drops her suitcase and shouts to her father, โ€œDonโ€™t answer the door, Dad. Somethingโ€™s not right.โ€



book cover for redemption by gwen m planoFamily secrets can be deadly. When Lisa Holmes visits her parents one fateful Saturday morning, she hugs her father and walks to her childhood bedroom. The doorbell rings. Her father opens the door, and one minute later, he lies dead on the floorโ€”three bullets to the chest.

The Holmes family lives on a quiet street, but no one really knows Eric Holmes. He travels for business and comes home a few days each month. Unbeknown to all, Eric has multiple lives.

In this fast-paced psychological thriller, Lisa and her brother, Trace, embark on a quest to solve the mystery involving the murder of their father. The journey takes them into a secret world where nothing is as it seems. As the puzzle pieces begin to coalesce, they discover the meaning of Redemption.ย 

author photo



BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/gwen-m-plano
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/3XIe6Yu

Story Empire: https://storyempire.com/gwen-m-plano

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gmplano

Blog: www.gwenplano.com/blog-reflections




Amazon Author Page: https://amzn.to/3RebK0W

Amazon Purchase Page: https://amzn.to/3XKiLJn

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/redemption-gwen-m-plano/1142988218


Gwen at Sedona



Without exception, each of us has experienced hardship.ย At times, we may have been overwhelmed by our circumstances.ย Theย loss of a loved one or the dissolution of a marriageย may have devastated us.ย Aย life-threatening disease orย a financialย crisis may have shaken us to our core.ย When we confront such tragedies, hope can elude us, and itย can beย an effort just to breathe.

When facing life’s difficulties, we seek answers. In my case, I realized there was much I needed to learn. Sometimes I could not see the choices before me; I felt more a victim than a master of my fate. And so I became a pilgrim of sorts–searching for healing and purpose. I traveled across the oceans and throughout much of the United States in search of a secret elixir. Along the way, I discovered that I did not travel alone. There were others, many others, who accompanied me. My website focuses on that hallowed journey.

As for my professional background,ย Iย am a retired educator.ย I taught and servedย as anย administratorย in colleges in Japan, New York, Connecticut, and California. My academic background is a bit unusual, but it has served meย well. I graduated with honors in nutrition fromย San Diego State University.ย I was awarded a master’s degree in theology from the University of the State ofย New York’s Maryknoll Seminary and then received a master’s in counseling from Iona College. Finally, I earned a doctorate in higher education fromย Columbia University.

Between travels with my husband andย visits with family and friends, I now write. My first book,ย LETTING GO INTO PERFECT LOVE, Discovering the Extraordinary After Abuse,ย was published in June 2014 by She Writes Press and has just been re-published by the Fresh Ink Group. My second book,ย THE CONTRACT between heaven and earth,ย is co-authored by John W. Howell and was published June 1, 2018. My third book,ย THE CHOICE the unexpected heroes, was published June 4, 2019 by Fresh Ink Group.ย THE CULMINATION a new beginningย was also published by the Fresh Ink Group on November 23, 2020. My latest book,ย REDEMPTION, was published by the Fresh Ink Group on February 21, 2023.

Thoughย writing is anย accomplishment of no small measure for me, my greatestย treasure and most profound source of joyย has been and is my fourย adult children. It is theyย who have guided me through life’s mysteries.ย 

Bio Box for Gwen M Plano




67 Comments on “#NewBook Redemption: A Father’s Fateful Decision by Gwen M Plano @gmplano #Thriller #Suspense

  1. Congratulations Gwen! I pre-ordered this book, and I see it sitting in my Kindle app. I’m looking forward to reading this. Harmony, thanks for having Gwen over to tell us about this new release!

  2. I was without internet service all day. Just now getting on, and I had the best surprise in my inbox. Redemption! Can’t wait to read it, and wishing you all the best, Gwen.

    Harmony, thanks for hosting.

  3. Congratulations on the new release, Gwen! I love this excerpt and the idea of a character having premonitions. It’s up next on my TBR list.

    Thank you for hosting today, Harmony.

  4. Hi Gwen, this book sounds excellent and right up my street. I will find it on Amazon. Thanks for hosting, Harmony.

  5. Congrats on your latest release, Gwen. I am reading it right now and loving it!

    Thanks for hosting, Harmony ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Congratulations on the launch, Gwen. My copy showed up on my Kindle last night, and I’ll be into it shortly. Super excerpt. Thanks, Harmony for hosting Gwen today.

  7. Yay! The book has launched, and now the tour! Congratulations, Gwen. I love this excerpt. In that short few words, you gave me a feel for the story. I look forward to reading it. Thank you, Harmony, for hosting today!

  8. What great themes, Gwen–forgiveness and redemption. Those are rarely conquered once required. Maybe your story will provide ideas. Best of luck with your tour and happy birthday!

  9. Happy book birthday, Gwen! I had pre-ordered my copy and look forward to diving into the story. The excerpt is engrossing. I’m wishing you all the best with your new release.

    Thanks for hosting, Harmony!

  10. Happy book birthday, Gwen! I snatched up a copy last night when I received the email from BookBub. I’m looking forward to reading it! Thanks for hosting Gwen today, Harmony!

  11. Thank you, dear Harmony, for hosting me today. Iโ€™m humbled by your kind words and deeply grateful. โค๏ธ

  12. Can we have a UK link, please, Harmony. You and I can’t be Gwen’s only fans in England!
    Redemption sounds like my sort of book.
    Hugs, Sarah xx