#NewBook: In the Tree’s Shadow by D L Finn @dlfinnauthor #ShortStories #Fiction

Hi everyone! I hope this finds you well. Today, it gives me great pleasure to have fellow author, blogger, Story Empire Contributor, and friend, D L Finn over to visit. Denise has a new book out, and I’m so happy to help her share the exiting news! This writer loves nature and all its wonders, and her magical outlook shines through in this wonderful new read πŸ™‚Β 

book promo banner for In the Tree's Shadow, a new book of short fiction by D L Finn

Thank you, Harmony, for inviting me to your wonderful blog today to share my latest release, In the Tree’s Shadow.Β 

It’s my pleasure, Denise!

β€œThe Boy” is a story that taps into my experience of being raised in an alcoholic household. However, my mother didn’t have the mental issues that Bella had to deal with, and she–luckily–had a caring father to turn to.

Bella comes home from school after capturing a picture of the boy she’s been seeing down the street. She isn’t sure who he is, and he refuses to talk to her. There is little time to ponder this when she finds her mother has relapsed into drinking and not taking her meds.

I wrote this during my personal short story challenge. I chose the word scary and then found an image to go with the word. I was inspired by a shadow figure walking down the road in the woods. It took me a couple of tries to get everything to fall together while I explored the dark side of alcoholism and mental illness. Bella finds an unexpected happy ending.


A collection of short stories where dreams and nightmares coexist.

Nestled inside these pages, you’ll meet a couple in their golden years who take a trip with an unexpected detour, a boy desperate to give his brother the Christmas gift he asked for, a girl with a small glass dragon who is at the mercy of her cruel uncles, and a young mother who has a recurring dream about murder. You’ll be introduced to worlds where people get second chances and monsters might be allowed their desires, while angels and dragons try to help. Happy endings occur, but perspective can blur the line between good and evil in these twenty-seven tales. Since the stories vary between 99 and 12,000 words, whether you have only five minutes or an entire evening to settle into reading, there is something that will suit your time and taste.


book cover for In the Tree's Shadow by D L FinnBella snapped the picture right before the boy disappeared. Finally she had proof that he existed. He had been in the same place for the last two weeks, right where the school bus dropped her off by their private road. He wore jeans and a gray hoodie and carried a black backpack. Without glancing back or speaking, he’d vanish into a heavy fog.

She raced down the long driveway to show her mother the photo. Mother sat on the porch in the old wooden rocking chair, sipping iced tea. The hair stood on Bella’s arms when Mother’s bloodshot eyes fixed on her. β€œWhy do you have my camera?” Her words slurred together like they were in a wind tunnel, but the leaves on the trees were still.

β€œI borrowed it to get a picture of the boy. I got it. Look!” She held the camera up, hoping she was wrong about Mother’s condition. The last three years had been peaceful now that she remained sober and took her meds.

Mother slammed the drink down hard, shattering the glass. β€œLiar! There’s no boy out there, and stop calling me β€˜Mother.’ You know I hate that word.”

Bella sighed at the blood dripping from her mother’s hand. That scary woman had returned.




  1. At some point, getting on a train, it will be guaranteed, I will say: all aboard.
  2. I was fortunate to see sea turtles laying eggs. Someday I want to see the babies hatch.


Author photo of D L Finn


D. L. Finn is an independent California local who encourages everyone to embrace their inner child. She was born and raised in the foggy Bay Area, but in 1990 she relocated with her husband, kids, dogs, and cats to Nevada City, in the Sierra foothills. She immersed herself in reading all types of books but especially loved romance, horror, and fantasy. She always treasured creating her own reality on paper. Finally, surrounded by towering pines, oaks, and cedars, her creativity was nurtured until it bloomed. Her creations include children’s books, adult fiction, a unique autobiography, and poetry. She continues on her adventure with an open invitation to all readers to join her.


D.L. Finn Links:






D.L. Finn blog

Amazon Page

I’ve read about 65% of this fabulous book of short stories and flash fiction and am enjoying it tremendously. I’d hoped to have a review ready to go with today’s post, but alas I haven’t quite made it. However, I highly recommend this read πŸ™‚πŸ’–

[On a side note, if I don’t manage to respond to your lovely comments in a timely manner, please accept my apologies. My (probable) fibromyalgia symptoms are in high gear and hitting all at once just now. I appreciate you all. Hugs πŸ€—]

62 Comments on “#NewBook: In the Tree’s Shadow by D L Finn @dlfinnauthor #ShortStories #Fiction

  1. This short story sounds very emotional. Thanks for sharing about Denise’s new book here, Harmony.

  2. Lovely presentation ladies. I enjoyed learning more about some of the stories in the book and loved the ‘Finn Facts’ slogan. Hugs to both xx

    • Thank you, Debby πŸ™‚ I’m so happy you are enjoying the behind the stories and the Fun Finn Facts! Hugs right back xo

  3. This is an intriguing excerpt, Denise. I am looking forward to digging into this book. Best wishes to you. Thanks for hosting today, Harmony!

  4. That final line, “the scary woman had returned,” gave me shivers, Denise, as did the story. Thank you for hosting, Harmony, and best wishes to Denise!

    • Thank you, Jan πŸ™‚ It would be scary for a child to stand in front of that and know her mother wasn’t really there anymore.

  5. Thanks for this wonderful post Harmony. Sending you good health hugs.
    I am half way through this book and enjoying the variety. Congratulations to Denise and wishing her great success.

    • Thank you, Balroop πŸ™‚ I am so happy you are enjoying the variety. It gave me a chance to explore different subjects.

  6. Scary excerpt, Denise. I just can’t imagine having to face that situation. Congratulations on the launch. Thanks for hosting, Harmony.

  7. Congrats on another wonderful tour stop, Denise. That scene was riveting, especially the blood on the mother’s hand, which she didn’t seem to be aware of. That’s deep mental illness. A great read. Thanks for hosting, Harmony, and hugs toward feeling a little better..

    • Thank you, Diana πŸ™‚ Yes, to be that deep into a mental illness that you didn’t notice your injuries or not want to protect your child is terrifying.

    • It would be terrifying to see that in the person who should protect you, Jacqui.

      It used to embarrass my kids, especially when they were teens, but now it gets a smile from them when I do that.

  8. Oooh, this one sounds wonderfully creepy, Denise! Can’t wait to read it. Thanks for a great post, Harmony, and for helping Denise get the word out. 😊❀️

  9. A scary woman indeed from an excellent short story from an excellent collection! How cool is it, Denise, that you’ve seen sea turtle eggs being laid?

    • Thank you, Vera πŸ™‚ I’m so happy you enjoyed the collection.
      Yes, it was an experience to see those turtles onshore laying eggs. They are amazing creatures.

  10. Another great excerpt, Denise. I finished the book this weekend. Enjoyed the stories. Wishing you all the best.

    Thanks for hosting today, Harmony.

  11. This is a great excerpt. The real world can be more frightening than the supernatural, and it sounds like this one expresses it.

    • I agree, Craig. The real world can be a very scary place and worse than any story I can think of. There might be a bit of supernatural mixed in, though.

  12. I finished this wonderful collection last night. It’s an excellent read with so many genres, most all touching on speculative fiction. The Boy was just one gem among many. Congrats to Denise on her newest release.

    Thanks for hosting Harmony. I hope you get some relief from the fibromyalgia. πŸ’•

    • Thank you, Mae πŸ™‚ Makes me so happy to learn you enjoyed this collection. I had fun exploring with these stories!

    • I’m looking forward to recommencing my reading of this fun collection. Thanks, Mae πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  13. Sorry to hear your fibromyalgia has flared up again. I hope you soon feel better.
    Thank you for the post bringing what sounds like a good read to our attention.

  14. Thank you, Harmony for the beautiful introduction and opening your wonderful blog to me. I hope you are feeling better today. Sending healing hugs your way. xo

    • It’s my pleasure, Denise! Sorry I couldn’t be around on your day and thanks for being such a great guest! Wishing you much success. Hugs πŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ™‚

  15. Denise sounds as accomplished a person as you are Harmony, if she’s half as nice then the World should count itself doubly lucky.
    Huge Hugs

    • Thank you, David πŸ™‚ I count myself lucky to be compared to Harmony, and agree the world is lucky to have her.