#NaPoWriMo: A Poem A Day – Day 19 and #TankaTuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 270 #Colleen’s #PhotoPrompt #TankaProse @ColleenChesebro

Hi everyone! Today is day nineteen of the national poetry month competition, and also Colleen’s weekly Tanka Tuesday challenge. Today, I’ve combined the two challenges into one.

Here’s my offering >>>


[Instructions:] From NaPoWriMo Day Nineteen … write a poem that starts with a command. It could be as uncomplicated as “Look,” as plaintive as “Come back,” or as silly as “Don’t you even think about putting that hot sauce in your hair.” Whatever command you choose, I hope you have fun ordering your readers around. And from Colleen’s Weekly Tanka Tuesday challenge … This week’s form: Ekphrastic Poetry. This challenge explores Ekphrastic poetry, inspired by visual art or photographs. D. L. Finn provided the photo for this month’s challenge:




In You-niversal, I Lose Me


Don’t just do something, sit there and reflect.

Explore the calm beneath the raging storm.

The dolphins of the deep play and connect

with the divine universe as art form.

Quiescent until it’s time to upswarm.

As one in complete and utter accord.

And quite individual in freeform.

To peace and quietude they swim toward.

Esse leaves no avenue unexplored.

Ever at peace, unruffled, calm, serene

these clever, kind mammals protect and ward

all those ever lost at sea, nice or mean.

Depower the mainsail of your ego.

Live, love, and merge into life’s deathless flow.


After writing my first ever sonnet for Day Sixteen, which was a Curtal Sonnet, I wanted to try my hand at another sonnet. This time, I chose  a Spenserian Sonnet. The Spenserian Sonnet is a 14-line poem developed by Edmund Spenser in his Amoretti, that varies the English form by interlocking the three quatrains (ABAB BCBC CDCD EE).

Have a wonderful day, everyone, and I’ll see you tomorrow with Day Twenty on the NaPoWriMo 30 Day Poetry Challenge 🙂 


© Harmony Kent 2022


40 Comments on “#NaPoWriMo: A Poem A Day – Day 19 and #TankaTuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 270 #Colleen’s #PhotoPrompt #TankaProse @ColleenChesebro

  1. You did wonderfully with the sonnet, Harmony! I love the line “Depower the mainsail of your ego.” ❤️🙂

  2. Excellent, Harmony. Wouldn’t you love to swim with the dolphins? Or even let go enough to just float in life’s waters? I love your poem. Beautiful! 😊

  3. We could learn a thing or two about society from dolphins- love this, Harmony.

  4. I’d say this is another successful attempt at a sonnet, Harmony. And kudos to you for combining the two prompts! Love it!

  5. “Depower the mainsail of your ego.” Hear, hear! I wish all of us were more like dolphins. No ego there, only altruism.💜🐬

  6. I admit that the formats for poetry are mostly “greek” to me, but I do know what I like, and I liked that. Fantastic share, Harmony! 🙂

    • Thanks so much, Mae! I learnt some about formats in recent months and days 💕🙂

  7. I really liked the way you inversed the expected command. Don’t just do, sit and reflect.
    The response to the image is stunning.