My Week in Review and Writing Links

Hello everyone. Happy Friday. Well, it’s the middle of November, and the year is racing away from us. I swear time has grown jet engines. Maybe that’s a sign of getting older too. I remember as a kid, the school summer holidays seemed to last forever …

More slow-and-steady writing done this week. I’m having to take extra care as I have a painful arm and shoulder from an old injury that is playing up again. Despite exercises and physio, it seems determined to get worse. Smooth supermarket floors, squashed grapes, and walking with crutches are not a great combination. Now, years later, I’m revisiting that torn muscle. Not fun. At least, as I wrote last week, I can still manage 500 words a day. Always a silver lining! 🙂 … And I’m REALLY enjoying this first draft.

Here are this week’s writing resources. Have a great weekend, everyone 🙂


Write Small by C. S. Boyack … a great post on opening your novels.

How to Begin Using Scrivener by P. H. Solomon

Friday Writing Question by little ole me



Finding Comparable Titles by Amy Alessio from Romance University

Don’t be Me! by Wendy Marcus from Romance University

Occupation Thesaurus Entry: GhostWriter by Becca Puglisi from Writers Helping Writers

Context, Text, and Subtext from Writers Helping Writers

How to Break Through Being Stuck by Tasha Seegmiller from Writers in the Storm

Story Logic by Lisa Cron from Writers in the Storm

What to do if Your Social Media Account gets Suspended from Just Publishing Advice … this wouldn’t have helped in my situation with Facebook, but it’s worth keeping these links and tips handy 🙂

Story Empire (Co-authored)

Harmony’s Amazon Author Page

Twitter: @harmony_kent

LinkedIn: Harmony

Goodreads: Author Page

13 Comments on “My Week in Review and Writing Links

  1. I couldn’t agree more about how fast time is flying. It seems that each day I get up, have my coffee and breakfast, turn around and it’s time to go to bed and start all over. Hope your aches and pains go away in the coming days, Harmony, and congrats on the word count accomplishment.

  2. Harmony, I agree about the time passing at warp speed. Every year seems to get shorter.

    I’m sorry you’ve been having problems, I and hope you feel better soon.

  3. I agree time seems to be flying by– and with engines. Hope your shoulder heals and you enjoy your weekend.

    • Thanks, Denise. Looking forward to a quiet couple of days. Have a good weekend 🙂

  4. Time definitely has “grown jet engines.” We’re in the clutches of winter, and I still wonder about summer. Do take care of your arm and shoulder, Harmony. So much life is ahead of you.♥

    • Right, Gwen! I’m still getting used to writing 2018, and in a minute, it will be 2019, lmao. Thanks for your well wishes. Have a great weekend 🙂