I’m Testing a new way of Commenting … can you help?

Hi everyone, it’s little ole me. I just changed the comments requirements on my blog, and I’m not sure how it will work for you all. I removed the need to log in with your name and email address, so–hopefully–you can now just comment without inputting that information every time.

What I don’t know is if you’ll have to be logged in to WP to comment first or if you can simply comment. I would love for you to try to leave me a comment to this post and let me know what hoops–if any–you have to jump through.

The other side of this experiment is to see how much spam comes in and if it’s manageable at my end timewise.

Thanks, everyone!


Harmony ๐Ÿ™‚


> Oh, and watch this space … I have a brand new Christmas romance novella coming out soon! … Excited. It’s a short read at just under a hundred pages, and I’ll be posting more on that soon! >>>



So, I can’t find the issue and thus can’t fix it. I’ve spent a couple of hours on this now and I’m so frustrated. I deleted Jetpack, my website slowed right down, and the problem persisted. I’ve checked both WP and Askimet antispam settings. My WP settings and Jetpack now allow comments without email and the darn box is still there when I log out. A Google search has failed to find this issue or any resolution. Thanks for your help, folks. Much appreciated ๐Ÿ™‚

Tried a new plug in but it ended up taking forever to leave a comment, so no good. … I tried, folks. Apologies.


25 Comments on “I’m Testing a new way of Commenting … can you help?

    • You wonโ€™t because the problem is with jetpack, and I havenโ€™t solved it. Thanks, Kevin ๐Ÿ˜Š

    • Thanks, Robbie. The issue is with Jetpack, and I donโ€™t know what I can replace it with.

    • Thanks, Jan. I’m going to search for top-rated plugins to replace the WP comments box.

    • Thanks, John. I appreciate you all trying. Iโ€™ll keep thinking on this and try to find something less onerous ๐Ÿ˜Š

  1. Craig here. Seems I still have to log in. I am connected to WordPress right now, if that helps

    • Thanks, Craig. Iโ€™ll have to search for a good WP replacement comment form instead of looking at the WP new plugins page. I have no clue why WPโ€™s own form isnโ€™t responding to the settings ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. I’m logged into WordPress. Had to enter my name and email but I’ll see if it remains after I comment. ๐Ÿ™‚ And yes, I should be writing but had to pop over to help out a friend.