Harmony is Vocal! The Safe House in @Vocal_Creators #shortstory #challenge #fiction #thriller

The Safe House  …


House covered in snow with bench outside.Lake behind. Rural. Isolated.
Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Hi everyone. I’ve written a short story for Vocal’s If Walls Could Talk Challenge. Vocal’s criteria for this fiction challenge is to: Write a fiction story from the perspective of a wall that can talk. Write a short fiction story where the wall of a structure of your choice becomes the narrator, telling the tales of the secrets and events that have taken place in front of them.

“Use the phrase “if walls could talk” as the story’s opening line, and give the wall a voice that reflects the age, history, and milestones they have witnessed. The wall can be public or private and located anywhere, during any time period.”

You can find my short story, of around 2,000 words HERE.

Also, I entered a flash fiction piece, which I wrote back in August 2020–how the time flies!–which you may or may not remember, called The Mad House, which you can find HERE if you’d like to take a look. I took a chance and entered this into the ‘if walls could talk’ competition too!

I’d love to know what you think! And I would be delighted if you could read and heart! To heart and/or comment, you’ll need to sign in to Vocal, which is free to do.

Thanks for all your support! Hugs 🤗💕🙂 

26 Comments on “Harmony is Vocal! The Safe House in @Vocal_Creators #shortstory #challenge #fiction #thriller

  1. Both fabulous stories, Harmony. I really loved The Mad House. It reminded me of Poe’s works which I’ve been reading again.

  2. Two good stories, Harmony. I hearted, shared and commented on both. I’m especially gonzo on The Safe House. Wishing you all the best in the challenge!