#CoverReveal: Secrets in the Blood by Unity Hayes @RoLuvsSims

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all well. I have an extra treat for you this week with yet another book and author! Fellow writer, blogger, and friend, Kymber C Hawke, is joining us to reveal the awesome new cover for her book,Β Secrets in the Blood,Β which she is re-releasing under her pen name,Β Unity Hayes.Β I do so love that name! Grab some snacks and a drink and sit back and relax while Kymber tells you all about her book >>>πŸ™‚

Book cover for Secrets in the Blood by Unity Hayes, showing a silhouetted man and woman walking into a sunset


About the Book:


Secrets have been buried in a steel town for many years, but someone is

about to blow the lid off them and rock this little town. Cassidy loves her life

just the way it is. But when mysterious and good looking West arrives, her

world is turned upside-down. West carries the secrets of the steel town.

Cassidy is attracted to the stranger but a relationship seems impossible as

West’s accusations make him appear crazy and bodies start to pile up. No one

wants to believe West; can Cassidy let her feelings go and trust him? Who is

the killer? How many bodies will pile up before the biggest secret of all is




The bedroom was dark except for the muted yellow glow from the hall table

lamp. Although subdued, the light was bright enough to stab through the

partially open doorway like a spear. It cast a pie-shaped beam just inside on

the thick blue carpeting. But the rest of the room remained dim and sinister

as if the light had been swallowed by it.


The wind howled mercilessly as fat raindrops spattered against the second

story window.

Eight-year-old Kenton turned restlessly in his bed, his pillow falling to the floor

with a gentle thud. Somewhere, deep within the bowels of the cavernous

house, a woman moaned.

Or perhaps it was only the wind again.

Thump. Thump.

Kenton awoke with a start, sitting up suddenly and rubbing the sleep from his

blinking brown eyes. Had he heard something? He kicked frantically at the

bedcovers, his thin legs hopelessly entangled in them during his brief and

fitful sleep.


It was louder, closer. How many times had his child’s imagination conjured up

images of monsters in that house? That colossal, hulking ogre of a house. He

feared that one day he would disappear; be swallowed up and forever lost in

the startling noises it made at night and the menacing shadows present in

every corner.

He wanted his mother. She would smile at him and tell him there were no

monsters. She would look in his closet and under the bed and tousle his curly

brown hair playfully as she tucked him back into bed. She would sit with him

until his breathing became even and steady and she knew for certain that he

was asleep again.

Finally freed of his bedding, Kenton peered through the ominous shadows at

his younger brother’s bed. Shane wasn’t there. Kenton rubbed his eyes again

as if that would make Shane reappear. Dropping his bare feet to the floor, he

padded cautiously to the door. The door that would either lead him to his

mother…or to the terrible noise he had heard.

He wiped his sweaty palms on his pajama pants and waited a moment before

pushing the six panel oak door open the rest of the way. The door squeaked

lightly on its hinges, but the sound seemed to reverberate through the entire

estate like an endless echo. He stood in the open doorway as if frozen, not

wanting to look into the corridor. Waiting. Listening. The feeling of

dread began to build in him, rolling in his stomach and threatening to

explode out of his mouth into a terrified scream.

He hesitated for what seemed to be hours, and then stepped into the soft

light of the immense hallway like a dead person would step toward the light

at the end of the proverbial tunnel. With cold sweaty beads trickling down his

back, he couldn’t shake the eerie feeling creeping over his flesh. He


Walking a few feet down, again out of the light but toward his mother’s room,

Kenton breathed a soft sigh when he saw Shane. The four-year-old was seated

on the floor at the edge of the balcony, completely unmoving, even at

Kenton’s approach. His feet, as his older brother’s, were bare, his bony legs

dangling through the spindle railing. As if entranced, his black-as-pitch eyes

stared oddly downward into the dark, marble floored foyer below.

A chill from an unknown source prickled the hairs on the back of Kenton’s

neck. Something was dreadfully wrong. Silently, his stomach tensing into a

knot, he sat beside the younger boy and squinted into the murkiness beyond

the balcony. He could see nothing except the faint shape of the mahogany

fern stand by the powder room door. The bulky fern, barely discernible, looked

to Kenton like a crazy octopus, arms waving, ready to eat them if they

ventured downstairs. He looked anxiously at his brother again. Shane seemed

mesmerized, watching fixedly as if he could actually see something.

Kenton tried to follow the intense stare. There was no sound now. No light. No

movement in the foyer. Only silence. A frightening silence that chilled his


β€œMomma’s gone,” Shane whispered so softly, Kenton wondered if he’d actually

heard the small boy speak at all.

β€œWhat?” Kenton whispered back fiercely, his emotions completely unraveling

by Shane’s disturbing stare into the blackness below them. His knuckles

turned white as he gripped the railing and strained once again, hoping to see

what so steadfastly held his brother’s attention.

Slowly, his pale face a mask of deep shock and horror, his onyx eyes glittering

in the hall light, Shane turned to face Kenton. β€œMomma’s gone. Daddy killed



About the Author:

Author photo showing Unity Hayes in a black topUnity is the author of Secrets in the Blood (mystery/romance – August 1, 2013).

She has been writing since the age of 15 and has always dreamed of telling

stories through the craft of writing. Unity is a Registered Nurse who enjoys

small town living, antiquing, and spending time with her family.




Where to find Unity and her Book:

Amazon:Β https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E50JO3A
Barnes & Noble:Β 

Promotional banner for the book, Secrets in the Blood, by Unity Hayes, with the text: Get your copy today!

41 Comments on “#CoverReveal: Secrets in the Blood by Unity Hayes @RoLuvsSims

  1. I’ve been seeing this book featured around the blogosphere today. Love the cover, and the story sounds intriguing. Congrats to Kimber.

  2. I just added this book to my TBR after reading a review on another blog. I look forward to reading it.

  3. I loved this book and just shared my review, Harmony. But how did I miss the new cover and Kymber’s pen name? Eeek. I guess I grabbed it, read it, and posted it before the news. I was so impressed with the book, and I’m excited to see that there’s another one in the works. πŸ™‚

  4. Thank you so much, Harmony, for taking part in my cover reveal. The post looks fantastic! I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate you!

  5. HI Harmony, thank you for this introduction to Kymber, and her pen name. I love the cover of this book, it is very eye catching.

  6. I didn’t know you wrote other than graphic Sim-sort of novels. You got my attention with the cowboy hat. The book sounds great. Let me know when you release it. I’d love to help.

    • That’s so wonderful of you, Jacqui. Kymber has lots of talent in creating! πŸ’•πŸ™‚

    • Thank you so much, Jacqui. My graphic stuff is on the side, although I haven’t released anything since this book which came out in 2013. I’m writing a book now, but it’s in its infancy.