Tips for Writing Action Scenes
Check out this great post by Mae Clair over on Story Empire today … gotta say, I love this picture! >>>
Hi, SEers. You’re with Mae today for a look at writing action scenes. Of all the types of scenes that go into constructing a novel, I used to dread action the most. Not so much these days, but they…
Source: Tips for Writing Action Scenes
A great share, Harmony, going over to finish reading.
That’s great. Thanks, Robbie 🙂
Thanks for sharing my post today, Harmony!
You’re welcome, Mae 🙂
I can’t say I like the picture, but I am intrigued, which is the idea. I shall pop over and read the article.
Thank you, Harmony
Oh well, glad it’s intrigued you! LOLs. Thanks, Sarah 🙂
So glad you dropped by to check our the post, Sarah. Thank you!