#TANKATUESDAY Weekly #POETRYCHALLENGE #263 #Tastetherainbow @SyllabicPoetry @ColleenChesebro #Tanka

Hi everyone! 🙂

Today, I’ve joined Colleen’s weekly TankaTuesday challenge, which asks for any syllabic form based on “Taste the rainbow—colour poetry”. The colour is “Green”. 

Colleen gave us some extras too … “You’ll receive bonus points if you don’t use the name: green. You’ll also receive bonus points if you can also incorporate a different meaning for the word green in your poem.”

You can find Colleen’s post HERE.

I’ve chosen a Tanka this week. This is the first time I’ve written a Tanka, as far as I can remember! Tanka have a syllable count of 5-7-5-7-7 for each of the five lines. Tanka are not titled and do not rhyme. They are usually written in first person and have a pivot on line three, but as per Colleen’s cheat sheet, this is optional and can happen anywhere if at all.

my blue-and-yellow’s

land no longer the colour 

made when mixed—now stained

with the blood of aggressors

verdant, crushed—vilified troops


I’ve had fun with a play on words with the two meanings of “Verdant” for both vegetation and unripe in experience or judgement. See the dictionary definition below:

Dictionary definitions of verdant

I hope you enjoyed this Tanka, which is a tribute to Ukraine and the atrocities being committed there.


**I meant to add that many of the Russian troops are conscripted and young and were told they were simply doing exercises. Also that the Ukrainians wanted their help. So many are horrified and scared themselves. And have been betrayed by Putin. Another reason for the “unripe” use of Verdant.**


Have a lovely day! 🙂


© Harmony Kent 2022


32 Comments on “#TANKATUESDAY Weekly #POETRYCHALLENGE #263 #Tastetherainbow @SyllabicPoetry @ColleenChesebro #Tanka

  1. This is a beautiful poem, Harmony. Its poignancy is so in tune with the horrific events taking place in Ukraine.

  2. Harmony, this is a fabulous tanka! You chose some great words to drive home your message. The war in Ukraine affects many of us. I think Putin has lost it. Trying to reunify the USSR at this late stage is futile. I only hope we can shut him down before WWIII intensifies. <3

    • Yes to all of that. Happy the poem resonated. Thanks, Colleen 💕🙂

  3. Wow. Yes, this is a powerful and sad tanka. The land and people “stained “by these events. And to be attacked in spring time, planting time…

    • Yep. It’s bad any time but even more so right now. Thanks, D 💕🙂

    • And I still cannot express my depth of feeling. Thanks, Priscilla 💕🙂

  4. I love how you tied in the colors with the war, Harmony. Such a moving poem— Well done! I found the word verdant too and think it’s one I’ll be using more of going forward.

    • As soon as I saw the blue-and-yellow flag, I thought “Green”! Verdant is such a great word. Thanks, Denise 💕🙂

  5. A wonderful poem, Harmony. The situation in Ukraine is beyond horrible. I couldn’t help but be touched when the texts of a dead Russian soldier showed he had no idea what he was doing in Ukraine. Putin is a criminal.

    • Those texts moved me to tears, John. Putin most certainly is a war criminal, and I hope his karma catches up to him real quick. So pleased you liked the poem 💕🙂

  6. This is powerful writing, Harmony. I love your tanka. You’ve captured our collective horror at what is happening to the people of Ukraine. May it all end soon. 💗

    • Would that it had never started. Delighted you like the poem. Thanks, Gwen 💕🙂

    • Thanks, Staci. If only words WERE mightier than the sword! 💕🙂

  7. I’m always so impressed that you folks who write these structured little poems can paint such vivid pictures with so few words. (Something I’ve never mastered, alas.) This is perfect, Harmony, and VERY “green.” (Though not in the inexperienced way. 😄 ) Well done, my friend, as usual!