Oh Baubles: Sneek Peek!

Hi everyone. As promised, here is a sneek peek from my latest book, Oh Baubles, a clean Christmas Romance Novella …

Oh Baubles Book Cover
Christmas Romance Novella

John glanced down. He had no clue why. Maybe it was bug radar or something. A big black spider, fat round body and legs thick enough to have knee joints, crawled over his foot. With a screech, he flicked it off and leapt to his feet.

From her perch in the bed, Charlene stared at him. He laughed breathlessly. ā€˜Oh, God. I just squealed like a girl.ā€™

ā€˜Hey, Iā€™m a girl.ā€™

Startled, he stared at her. She was laughing. At him. Oh, Lord. What must she think of him? Bad that heā€™d just screamed like that, but then heā€™d added to it by insulting girls. Smart. Real smart.

ā€˜Sorry. Spider,ā€™ he mumbled.

Charlene shuddered. ā€˜I hate the things.ā€™ Then she grinned at him. ā€˜Iā€™m glad it was on your foot and not mine.ā€™


ā€˜Youā€™re welcome.ā€™

They shared a chuckle. For the first time, John felt like he might have made some headway with Charlene. Heā€™d liked her from the first time heā€™d met her, as damaged as she was. Her injuries paled next to her fighting spirit, grit determination, and bravery. As much as he resented having to work with sick and broken people, instead of doing the glamorous stuff with the sports stars, she was one of the few who made his daily grind easier to bear.

Then she vomited. All over him. With zero warning.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little excerpt. From December, I’ll be on a couple of blogs around the web, and I’d love to see you there. I’ll be sharing some more snippets of Christmas romance fun and frolicks with you. Here’s the line up …

Monday 2nd December, Craig Boyack on Entertaining Stories

Tuesday 10th December, Joan Hall on JoanHall Blog

Thursday 12th December, Mae Clair on From the Pen of Mae Clair

In the meantime, have fun! And thanks for all your support, everyone šŸ™‚

Pre-order link: http://mybook.to/OhBaubles

Just 99 cents / 99 pence!

Ā©Harmony Kent 2019


10 Comments on “Oh Baubles: Sneek Peek!

  1. Fantastic Harmony and will do a pre-order new book on the shelves on 22nd November as part of the Christmas book fair.. hope that helps get the word out. hugs

    • Sally, you’re an absolute star. Thank you so much. I’m loving your Christmas book fair! šŸ™‚

  2. It looks like quite the entertaining little romance, Harmony! Great cover and the excerpt made me grin. Best wishes!