Notes (Editing and Proofreading)



This service contains both a copy edit and a line by line edit.  It entails a thorough read through of your manuscript, correcting common formatting errors and working on sentence structure, etc.  This is much more detailed than a proofread.  With this service I will check every sentence, and ensure you have expressed yourself in clear and clean prose.  I will remove overwriting, unnecessary repetition, and passive writing, as well as correct any spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.  This will ensure that your prose is as engaging and immediate as possible. Please note, this is not a developmental edit.

Cost 0.009 pence per word–please note that this fee includes a combined copy and line by line edit.  


This service entails a thorough word by word read through of your manuscript, in order to identify and correct spelling mistakes and other common errors.  Please note this is in no way an editing service, for this please see above.

Cost 0.008 pence per word



This is a reduced price package which includes all of the above work.  I would suggest editing first, and then proofreading the final draft.

Cost 0.01 pence per word



This service entails taking a sample of your MS and giving it a read through (no greater than 10,000 words at this point).  From this initial assessment I can offer you advice on the work needed and how best to proceed. I will provide you with information on, and examples of, what I find in this sample.  Which would give you the tools to incorporate these changes into the rest of your book yourself.  If you wish to continue on to a full MS Appraisal, then we can discuss rates based on the total length of the MS and also the amount of work that I feel it is likely to need. If I don’t feel that your work needs further appraisal I will always tell you so.  If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Cost (Initial Assessment) £30

Full Appraisal Cost 0.003 pence per word


I am open to further price reductions if all three services are purchased – MS Appraisal, Full Edit and Proofread.  Please contact me for further details.



A beta reader, also pre-reader, is a person who reads a written work, generally fiction, with what has been described as “a critical eye, with the aim of improving grammar, spelling, characterization, and general style of a story prior to its release to the general public.” (From Wikipedia).  If you’re looking for an experienced reader for your novel, who can give you in depth insight pre-publication, then this service is for you.  Beta readers help the most just before an author is ready to send their MS to an editor.  If your book is already  finished, then I will accept it and offer a critique just as I would for an unfinished MS.


£10 – Short Story – up to 7,500 words

£17 – Novelette – up to 17,500 words

£25 – Novella – up to 40,000 words

£30 – Novel – up to 100,000 words

£45 – Long Novel – up to 200,000 words

(For longer manuscripts please contact me to discuss rates)

Please note that if any of the above services are purchased, then I will offer a FREE Book Blurb Edit.




£80  (£50 each for eBook or Paperback alone)





All prices quoted are in GBP.  Payment is in advance and can be made via PayPal or bank transfer. If you pay via PaPal, their fees are on top of any quoted prices.

Please note that if you need to book in advance, a non refundable deposit will be required to cover short-notice or no-notice cancellation.

For all editing and proofreading: I can work in iPages, MSWord, and Scrivener.

For beta reads: it is easier if you can send me a mobi file. Failing that, a Word doc/iPages doc or PDF would work. PDF gives me the least flexibility to notate, however.

If you have your MS in other formats, please contact me and I will endeavour to find a way of working in that format.


If you would like me to help you fine tune and polish your finished Harmony Kent new author photomanuscript/book, so that it’s a work of art, then please send an email to harmonykent (at) or use the contact form.

Indies are my passion, and I wish you the best of luck in your writing career!



from Tahlia Newland (Awesome Indies Founder, Editor, Author)

“I just thought I’d let you know that Marie was very happy with the work you did for her … you’re a really good proofreader.”

Editing and proofreading:

from Traci Sanders (Author)

“OMG! Harmony, I actually cried, it is so good! Thank you so much for enhancing my words and making my first attempt at adult fiction the best it could ever be. I can’t thank you enough 🙂 ”

from James Sinclair (Author)

“You have done a splendid job in  reviewing the story, and now the characters have “come to life” much better.  All of your suggestions have been very valued and you seem to have spent a lot of time in your thoughts about the story, and I’m so pleased that you like it.  As you know, any writer often works in isolation, and it is so vital to have someone else review his or her work – someone like yourself who is a professional with experience. Thanks again for all your help.”

from Tom Evans (Author, Author Mentor)

“Thanks Harmony – great work and great turnaround. I can see we can do many more of these.”

from Ann Lewis

“Almost 25 years ago my Dad researched and wrote a book about his home village. After he died I decided to publish a new edition from the old, much photocopied typescript. I needed a lot of help. Harmony was recommended and guided the process right through from start to finish. She was a joy to work with and a highly skilled editor, proof reader, book designer and publishing expert. The book looks professional and fabulous. Thank you Harmony. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Beta Reading:

from Kurt Herbel (Author)

“Very helpful. Thanks! “

from David Ellis (Author)

“Many thanks for your beta read. I’m very grateful for the comments. I’ll definitely use your service again.”

4 Comments on “Notes (Editing and Proofreading)

  1. Hi Harmony,

    Miss you. Do you format books for Kindle? I have four short stories I’d like to put together for a short story anthology. Is this one of your services?

  2. I’m so happy with the final result of Harmony’s editing for Luck of the Irish. She did a splendid job convincing me I was wrong in sticking to some POVs – making me change my mind is never an easy task, btw haha – and did a superb job of shaping up the story.
    I was already proud of Luck of the Irish but after Harmony’s contribution it’s shining like a diamond.
    Great job, dearest!
    Hope to keep you busy for a long time!

    • Thanks, Liz! It was a real pleasure working with you, and especially getting you to change your mind, LOL 🙂 You are right to be proud of Luck of the Irish: it is a gem of a book! 🙂

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