#NewBook: Jagged Feathers by Jan Sikes @JanSikes3 @WildRosePress

Hi everyone! Today, it gives me great pleasure to have fellow author, Story Empire contributor, and friend, Jan Sikes come over for a visit. Jan has some exciting news, and here she is to tell you all about it >>>Β 

Jagged Feathers blog tour banner showing aeroplane

Thank you, Harmony, for inviting me to your blog site today to talk about my new book, JAGGED FEATHERS! I appreciate your generosity.

You’re so welcome, Jan! I’m excited to learn about your latest book πŸ™‚Β 

Nakina Bird is running when she enters the story. Not only trying to escape from a drug cartel but from psychic visions that haunt her. She carries heavy guilt for the death of her parents. She thinks if she’d warned them, they might still be alive after she received a shattering vision.

The first time Vann Noble gets a glimpse into her torment happens on the banks of Wolf Creek.




Jagged Feathers book cover by Jan SikesNakina bent over and examined a small plant growing next to a tree root. β€œIt’s like a private park.” She suddenly froze, closed her eyes, and shuddered as if cold. A moan escaped.

β€œNakina! What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Vann reached for her hand.

β€œIt’s the creek,” she whispered.

β€œWhat about the creek? Tell me what’s going on.”

Nakina opened her eyes. β€œI’m sorry. I don’t know how to explain it so that it makes sense. I see things. I see things before they happen, and at times I see things after they happen. My grandmother said it was a gift. I think it’s a curse.” A tear trickled down her cheek.

Vann pulled her into an embrace. β€œTell me what you saw.”

β€œThe water came up quickly, and people and their belongings were being washed away. They screamed for help.” She trembled and pulled back from the embrace.

He frowned. β€œI’m sure the creek has flooded before, but I’ve seen no signs of that happening since I’ve lived here. Perhaps it’s something that’s happened in the past. But you need to explain to me what you mean when you say that you saw it. I don’t understand.”

She wrung her hands. β€œIt plays out like a vignette in my head, only I feel every aspect of what I am seeing. I never know if what I’m seeing is in the future, past, or present. The not knowing drives me crazy.”

β€œSo you’re telling me that you’re psychic and can see things?”

She nodded. β€œI try my best to ignore all of it. Sometimes I’m afraid I’m losing my mind. But when things take place that I might have prevented had I spoken up, the guilt gnaws at me like a rabid animal. Like my parents, for instance. If I’d told my mother the vision that I was given that day, they might still be alive…” She trailed off.



I have a good friend who is a psychic, but I’ve never experienced psychic visions, and I don’t know how I’d react to them if I did, but I could sympathize with Nakina. Have you ever had any experiences like this, or know anyone who does?




Β Vann Noble did his duty. He served his country and returned a shell of a man, wounded inside and out. With a missing limb and battling PTSD, he seeks healing in an isolated cabin outside a small Texas town with a stray dog that sees beyond his master’s scars. If only the white rune’s magic can bring a happily ever after to a man as broken as Vann.Β  Jagged Feathers book by Jan Sikes on a white table cloth next to purple flowers and two hands holding a nearly empty cup of tea


On the run from hired killers and struggling to make sense of her unexplained deadly mission, Nakina Bird seeks refuge in Vann’s cabin. She has secrets. Secrets that can get them all killed.


A ticking clock and long odds of living or dying, create jarring risks.

Will these two not only survive, but find an unexpected love along the way? Or, will evil forces win and destroy them both?





Banner for the White Rune series of books by Jan Sikes, showing


WEBSITE: http://www.jansikes.com

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AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE: https://www.amazon.com/Jan-Sikes/e/B00CS9K8DK


Jan Sikes author bio box

67 Comments on “#NewBook: Jagged Feathers by Jan Sikes @JanSikes3 @WildRosePress

  1. Harmony, great post. Love the sample. These two people have so much to learn on this journey and Jan shares their story in a thrilling manner. Great stand alone, but awesome as book 2.

  2. I love all the depth and layers this story promises – going on Jan’s track record, I know this author will deliver an emotional ride!

  3. Wonderful read! I couldn’t put it down. You have a way with words, and this is a beautiful series.

  4. This is really an amazing, heartwarming story. Jan put deep emotion into the story and brought the characters to life in such a way that I was able to put myself in their shoes and truly ached for them. I shared their worries, happiness, despair, and triumphs. That’s the mark of a good writer.

  5. Intriguing excerpt, Jan! I see visions, but they seem to have nothing to do with precognition, or any cognition. I believe I’m seeing into another dimension because they don’t seem to have anything to do with the reality we live in. At least there’s no guilt involved in not reporting them to someone. Thanks for sharing Jan’s post today, Harmony!

    • What an interesting comment, Patty. It is possible you are able to see into another dimension, but how strange that it seems to have no relevance to life here. Thank you for leaving a comment today. I appreciate your support!

  6. This sounds so good, Jan. I know quite a few people who’ve had paranormal experiences including psychic visions, though they’re usually very very subtle. It’s one of the reasons I think there’s a lot more going on than we can clearly perceive. Great share, Harmony. I’m looking forward to the read!

    • I totally agree, Diana. Most of our paranormal experiences are very subtle and not as vivid as Nakina experienced them. And yes, I also think there’s a lot more going on than we can perceive. Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate you!

  7. This book gets more intriguing with each excerpt I read! Thanks so much for hosting Jan today, Harmony. Great post today, ladies!

  8. Thanks so much for hosting today, Harmony.

    Jan, I think you have a hit on your hands with this series. I enjoyed book one, but I think book two was even better. Wishing you much success.

    • Yay! It is always a goal to have the next book be better than the one before, so I am so glad I accomplished that. Thank you for your amazing support, Staci! I appreciate you!

  9. Hi Jan and Harmony,

    Jan, I read the excerpt with Nakina and Vann. The scene was believable. I could step into. excellent job. What I like most though was the setting scene from yesterday. Because of that i went out and bought the kindle version of the book. Your skill for setting up your characters in realistic scenes comes through in this book.
    Wishing you all the best.
    And thank you Harmony for hosting Jan today.
    Shalom aleichem

    • Thank you for those kind words, Pat. I am so glad that the excerpt from yesterday sold you on the story. That is definitely the goal. I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment today!

  10. I’ve never had a psychic experience, but I have been influenced by strong feelings.

    Congratulations on the release, Jan. I’m looking forward to discovering the entire story and hope to be diving into the pages by this weekend.

    Thanks for hosting today, Harmony!

    • I think we can all safely say we’ve been influenced by strong feelings or premonitions. I tend to doubt or question and I think that’s one thing that made it easier for me to write Nakina’s character. Thank you for stopping by, Mae, and I hope you enjoy the story!

  11. Fun excerpt. There are no psychics in my house or we’d have better lottery tickets.

  12. I’ve had dreams that came true, hence the inspiration for a minor character in my last novel. Like Yvette, at times I also have a strong “sixth sense.”

    Can’t wait to read this one, Jan! Thanks for hosting today, Harmony!

    • I truly believe we all have the ability to tune into that “sixth sense” when we slow down enough. Dreams that come true are a definite indication of that ability, Joan. Thank you for stopping by today!

  13. I wouldn’t call me a psychic, but I have a very strong sixth sense, which tends to be accurate. For example, yesterday morning, as my son and I were going to the car, he decided he wanted to change pants. I gave him the keys to the house and told him that I’d start warming the car. As he walked away, I had a sense that he was going to misplace the keys (he’s 15, so it’s not like he’s a small, forgetful child). When he came back, he shared with me (without me saying a word) that he had placed the keys on the bed and then couldn’t find them because they blended in with his covers. I’ve never had glaring visions, but I have many moments like the one above, some more telling than others. Great post, Jan! Thanks for hosting, Harmony! πŸ™‚

    • The number of times I’ve known who’s calling on the phone (without caller ID!) and that type of stuff. My pleasure to host, Yvi πŸ’•πŸ™‚

    • That is such a great example of being tuned into that quiet inner voice, Yvette. I think that is why most of us get these kinds of experiences at night because that’s the time we shut off the world. I’d say you definitely have an intuitive gift, my dear. Embrace it. Nakina was so stressed by the visions she got that she simply couldn’t let go and own them. She had to grow and develop. I appreciate your comment and hope you have a wonderful day!

  14. This sounds like another triumph for Jan. Thanks for hosting, Harmony.

    • Thank you, Robbie. I think anytime we can get a completed work out to the world, it’s a small triumph! I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment!

  15. Great post and excerpt, Jan πŸ™‚ I’m half way through and loving these characters! I don’t have visions but I get a knowing of what is to come. It usually isn’t as helpful as I would hope and I rarely share it.

    • Your comment makes my heart smile, Denise. I am so glad you are enjoying the characters. I enjoyed creating them. Since I have known you for a good while, I think I can safely say that you are very intuitive. I can only imagine the quietness of the forest when all you can hear is your own breath. That is the perfect moment to get downloads. πŸ™‚ Thank you for stopping by!

  16. Thank you so much, Harmony, for opening your beautiful blog site to me so that I can talk about my new release. I appreciate your support and generosity!